God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2013 I'm going to see Yue Lianxue

Chapter 2013 I'm going to see Yue Lianxue

The mind moved uncontrollably, and Xia Zishang took out the communication stone in a hurry. After urging it, she heard Yunluo's voice from inside the communication stone, "Ma'am, today Roudie is lucky to be selected as a candidate for the saint." , I will go to see Yue Lianxue in the evening."

As soon as Yunluo said this, there was a condense expression on the faces of all the people present, and then they shut their mouths obediently and listened to Xia Zishang's opening.

"Are you not selected?" Xia Zishang asked.

"Yes, the servant girl has been here for a short time, so she was not selected. The servant girl has inquired about it. The girls who come here are talented. They usually stay in the first-class hospital for seven days. After the spiritual power in the body is strong enough to a certain level , they will be taken to show to Yue Lianxue, and when Yue Lianxue is satisfied, those girls will be able to stay by her side to practice, and they will not be able to step out of the Holy Maiden Hall." Yunluo said.

The Holy Maiden's Hall, that is the most heavily guarded place in the entire holy hall, and it is also where Yue Lianxue is now, and it is the first difficulty they must overcome.

"So, Yue Lianxue left all the girls who were sent to the Saintess Hall before?" the dead man asked with envy in his tone.

"Yes. And the image of Yue Lianxue in the hearts of these girls is perfect, everyone likes her very much, and now Roudie is in the yard, accepting everyone's congratulations." Yunluo said here, her tone revealed She became a little dignified, "Madam, this servant will try to sneak behind Roudie tonight, to see if I can find a way to sneak into the Holy Maiden Hall."

"Yes, yes, but you must be careful. Take my elixir before you go, so that Yue Lianxue won't notice your breath." Xia Zishang warned worriedly.

"Yes, Aunt Yunluo, you must be careful!" Qingcheng didn't speak until now, and finally said in a soft and cute voice.

Yunluo agreed again and again, and then ended the call.

Here, the temple, in the first-class courtyard.

After carefully putting away the messenger stone, Yunluo also left the room and came to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, Roudie was surrounded by girls like stars holding the moon, listening to the girls chattering non-stop.

"Sister Roudie, congratulations on finally making it through!" Chen Qiaoxing looked at Roudie enviously, she exhaled a long breath, and said with a sigh, "Obviously I came here with Sister Roudie, Roudie Sister Die left before me, it seems that I will be lonely next time."

"With everyone accompanying you, why are you lonely? Besides, I just took a step ahead and went to the Saintess Hall to wait for everyone. I see that you are all improving so fast, and you will all pass in a few days. Stay with me." Rou Die's tone was as gentle as water, she glanced at Yunluo from the corner of her eye, and quickly waved to her with a happy smile, "Sister Yunluo, come quickly."

Yunluo walked over, and blessed her with a neither humble nor overbearing expression, "Congratulations to Sister Roudie for her wish fulfilled. Sister, although we haven't been together for long, I respect her very much in my heart. I really can't bear to leave my sister suddenly. I want to Keep something in mind and give it to my sister."

While talking, Yunluo took out a small pink sachet and hung it on Roudie's waist, "Sister, take a look, do you still like it?"

"It's such an exquisite little sachet, and there are so many butterflies embroidered on it!" Chen Qiaoxing is a playful person, she hurried over to smell it, and then showed her surprise again, "My God, this smell is too sweet!" It smells good! Sister Yunluo, you are so eccentric, you actually only gave it to Sister Roudie, I want it too."

(End of this chapter)

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