God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2015 She shouldn't have been exposed!

Chapter 2015 She shouldn't have been exposed!

However, Yunluo didn't panic in the slightest, but took out a charm from Xia Zishang from her bosom, and stuck it on the dummy's forehead.

As Yunluo urged a little with her spiritual power, the spell turned into a blindfold, turning the dummy into her image.

Not only is it similar in appearance, this blindfold even gave the dummy body temperature, breathing and heartbeat. At first glance, it really looks like Yunluo lying here, and if someone comes, Yunluo will know immediately and can help She delays for a while.

After doing all this, Yunluo changed into a black dress, with only a pair of eyes exposed when she put on a veil.

Afterwards, Yunluo took out the bottle containing the flying insects, flicked on the bottle with her fingers, and a small pale pink flying insect quietly flew out of it.

"Take me to follow the scent to find someone." As soon as Yunluo finished speaking, the little flying insect flapped its wings obediently and flew out through the open window.

With a flash of footsteps, Yunluo quickly followed the little flying insect, and then chased after Roudie who took a step ahead.

Before going out, she didn't forget to affix the spell of pure heart on her body, and took the elixir that completely covered her breath, Yunluo was very cautious, and walked forward extremely cautiously.

After entering the temple, the first difficulty you need to face is to find the location of the Temple of the Holy Maiden.

The Holy Maiden Hall is hidden in the Holy Maiden, but the entire Holy Maiden Hall is hidden by a huge array, the so-called blindfold, which completely protects it, so Yunluo stayed in the Holy Maiden for two days, I also failed to find the location of the Saintess Hall, so I can only find it by this method.

Yunluo followed the flying insects all the way forward, shuttled on the road like flying, always vigilant about the situation around her, lest she would be discovered by the guards patrolling the temple.

Along the way, like a dexterous cat, Yun Luo quickly found Rou Die, who had taken the first step, and the two maids leading Rou Die!

Finally caught up!
Yunluo thought that she would soon find the location of the Holy Maiden Hall, a look of joy flashed in her big watery eyes, then she accelerated her steps and was about to chase after her, but unexpectedly, the two faces The smiling maids suddenly stopped their steps at the moment when her mind moved, as if sensing something.

And at the same moment, Yunluo stopped subconsciously, stood in place like a pole, stopped her footsteps abruptly, and dodged to a side corner to hide.

Even though it was separated by a wall, Yunluo could still feel the eyes of the two maids looking at her at this moment!
The condensed and guarded eyes seemed to have discovered the existence of Yunluo!

Yunluo didn't dare to play it on her own, and she wasn't sure what happened now.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't have been exposed!
She had taken the elixir prepared by the madam to conceal her aura, and the aura around her had already disappeared completely. It was absolutely impossible for these two people to find her.

Comforting herself in this way in her heart, Yunluo quietly relaxed her breathing.

Seeing that the two maids stopped at the same time, Rou Die was puzzled on her gentle face, and asked cautiously, "What's wrong with you two?"

"Someone is following us." The older maid stared at Yunluo's direction, the lotus flower on her forehead glowed faintly, and she winked at another maid, "Shaoyao, go and see if it is what happened."

(End of this chapter)

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