God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2016 Is anyone there?Why didn't she feel it?

Chapter 2016 Is anyone there?Why didn't she feel it?
"Yes." Shaoyao nodded yes, then she walked towards Yunluo with a cold face as if she saw Yunluo through the wall.

Seeing the serious faces of these two maids, Rou Die was very upset.

Is anyone here?Why didn't she feel it?
"Miss Roudie, you and I will go first, the saint is still waiting for you." The older maid said coldly.

"Yes, Sister Mudan." Roudie nodded, not daring to delay, and quickly followed the maid named Mudan to take a step ahead.

At the same time, Yunluo, who was hiding in the corner of the wall, was extremely nervous, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

One step, two steps, three steps, Shao Yao's steps were so steady, she gradually approached her methodically.

Alarm bells were ringing in her heart, and Yunluo quickly thought about how to deal with it.

In any case, it cannot be found!
After confirming her own idea, Yunluo raised her hand and touched her waist.

Here, Shao Yao had pulled out the dagger hidden in her armband, held it in her hand with a murderous look, and approached step by step.

Getting closer and closer to the corner, the blue lotus imprint on Shaoyao's eyebrows glowed faintly, and then she took a sudden step forward to bypass the corner, and stabbed out with the dagger in her hand!
A sharp sword, mixed with full spiritual power!
However, after the sword was struck, Shaoyao rushed to nothing, only to see that there was nothing in front of her eyes, there was no one there?
What's happening here?
The development of the matter completely exceeded Shao Yao's expectation, which made her look puzzled.

"Could it be that Sister Mudan and I are worrying too much?" Shao Yao said, and swiped the dagger in the air twice quickly, but didn't hit anything.

Seeing this scene, Shao Yao's heart that had been tense was finally relaxed, and then she turned and left.

It wasn't until Shaoyao left that Yunluo's voice sounded out of thin air.

"Invisibility talisman, retreat." After the voice fell, Yunluo's figure appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Yunluo was curled up in the corner of the wall with cold sweat all over her face, holding an invisibility talisman in her hand, obviously, she had escaped by relying on this talisman just now.

"It's not easy to be a person with blue blood. This keen intuition is really scary." Yunluo said, looking at the invisibility amulet in her hand gratefully, "Thanks to this trip, Madam gave me a lot The magic weapon, otherwise it will be really hard for me to escape."

Having said that, Yunluo became more careful, and simply activated the invisibility talisman, directly hiding the aura around her, and then continued to chase after the little flying insect.

Fortunately, the rest went smoothly. Under the leadership of the little flying insect, Yunluo successfully stepped into the huge barrier covering the entire Saintess Hall, and then suppressed her whole body all the way, without looking at the road at all. The little flying insect led her in the direction, even if there was a wall in front of her, she would bump into it without hesitation.

The mystery of the blindfold formation is that the place that should be a road cannot lead to the front. Instead, those walls, stones, woods, places that seem to be dead ends, take a step forward, and the original dead end becomes a dead end. There is no way out.

The little flying insect led Yunluo all the way forward, and finally entered another world after passing through a bamboo forest that seemed to be a dead end.

The moment she stepped into this world, Yunluo clearly felt a burst of strong aura rushing towards her face, which revived her tired spirit instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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