God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2136 There is no evidence

Chapter 2136 There is no evidence

"My lord saint, I don't believe you would do such a cruel thing! Please let me see my daughter!" A middle-aged woman came to the barrier, looked at Yue Lianxue pitifully, said beggingly.

"And my niece. She has been in the temple for three years and has never contacted her family. Is she still alive?"

"Are you all crazy? The saintess would not do such a thing, someone must have deliberately framed it!" Among the crowd, there were still some people who stood firmly on the side of the temple.

"That's right! The Holy Maiden has a pure mind, how could she do such a cruel thing! Someone must have framed her, so don't be fooled!" Someone continued to shout.

Peony and Shaoyao saw that most of the people in the crowd were still talking on their side, and their hearts were finally relieved.

Although I don't know who made such a big commotion, but their temple is not so easy to be knocked down, these people will not easily believe those nonsense!
"What you see is all fake, our temple will definitely not kill innocent girls!" Shao Yao stood up and boldly shouted first.

"That's right! All of this is a frame-up! As believers, how can you question the temple? You are disrespectful!" Peony also stood up and shouted angrily, "Everyone calm down, don't defile the Holy Maiden! "

The words of Mudan and Shaoyao sounded very intimidating, causing the people who were already in a commotion to look at each other, and then fell silent one after another.

"Really? But, those pictures are so real, they don't look fake..." At that moment, a person in the crowd spoke weakly.

Peony and Shaoyao didn't know where their faces came from, and raised their fingers as a matter of course, pointing at the people's anger and said, "It's fake! These girls are all practicing in our temple! If you don't believe me, we can call these girls out Let me show you! However, once these girls show up in front of you, their previous cultivation will disappear, and they will even be kicked out of the temple because of your suspicion of our temple! If you still want to see , I will call those young girls who are cultivating to come out to meet you now!"

Mudan's tone was so righteous that the people present were speechless. After looking at each other for a while, they finally bowed their heads in silence.

Seeing this scene, Peony breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Anyway, it's just some images, and the people who designed all of this have no evidence. In the end, they still won!
"Yeah, there's no evidence..." Someone in the crowd spoke weakly.

The common people are still a little hesitant, especially those who have family members in the temple are at a loss. They actually want to make sure that their family members are safe, but this may anger the temple. , Thinking about it this way, it's not worth it...

When Lang Ya in the crowd saw this scene, his face changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is not acceptable, if this continues, these common people will be deceived by the people of the temple again.

"Since you said that the girls recruited by you are still alive, then you hand over my sister. My sister is Yunluo! That is my only biological sister. I don't care if she can practice or not. I just want to see her." Sister, don't wait for my sister to be killed by you, I am kept in the dark as a brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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