God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2137 is the soul of the little girl

Chapter 2137 is the soul of the little girl
When Lang Ya said this, he said, "I have long thought that your temple is strange. You can practice if you say you are practicing. Why do you want to lock people up to practice? And once you enter your temple, you Don't let people leave, how can you be so overbearing? Hurry up and return my sister! I am just such a younger sister. She is just 15 years old this year. If you kill me, what face do I have? Go see my dead parents!"

Langya had a burly appearance, but at this moment the Hedong lion roared, attracting everyone's attention.

After hearing what Lang Ya said, many people present seemed a little hesitant.

What Langya said is not rough, no matter how important cultivation is, can it be more important than the lives of family members?

If what the temple said was false, wouldn't they have sent their family members to hell with their own hands?
Everyone looked up at the huge mirror in the sky, and there was still a scene of girls being mutilated. Before they died, all the girls looked desperate, and many of them called their parents and brothers before they died, while being bloodletted, She cried and begged her family to save them.

Roudie's parents have also rushed to the front of the barrier. They are honest people, only Roudie is a child. At this time, being infected by Langya's words, she cried and said, "We won't let our daughter practice, I just A child, I want her back, I will return the money to you, let my daughter come back!"

"No!" Shao Yao was terrified, pointed at the noses of Roudie's parents and cursed, "Where do you think our temple is? You can come and leave whenever you want?!"

"Hey, isn't your temple always merciful? People say they are willing to return the money to you, why don't you agree to let him go?" The people of the Canglang clan continued to boo in the crowd.

"That's right, if you don't agree to release him, it just proves that you have ghosts in your heart, so you dare not release him!" Langya continued.

"Nonsense, what evidence do you have to say that we killed young girls? If these girls are really dead, you can summon their souls and ask them if you can!" Shao Yao roared angrily.

Unexpectedly, just after Shao Yao finished speaking, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"Look, what is that!"

At the same time, he looked towards the mirror in the sky, and all the people present were shocked, watching a ghost come out of the mirror.

Everyone was terrified by this scene and screamed, watching the remnant soul transform into a soft butterfly.

"It's the little girl who was killed first!" Someone among the people exclaimed immediately, and then exclaimed in an extremely horrified tone, "It's the soul of that little girl, my God!"

"Witchcraft, it's sorcery!" Immediately, the words stirred up waves, and everyone was in awe and astonishment. They were stunned by the scene in front of them, and saw Roudie's soul come to her parents' house. before.

Seeing her relatives, Rou Die broke down in tears immediately, the tears were like broken pearls, falling down in a rustle, kneeling in front of her parents in a spirited gesture, "Daddy, mother!"

It's just that they haven't seen their daughter for dozens of days, Roudie's parents can't understand how their precious daughter has become like this!

"How could this be, Die'er, Die'er...!" Rou Die's mother was so weak that she could barely stand, she was full of tears, and walked in front of her daughter in pain, reaching out to touch her.

(End of this chapter)

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