God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2144 Haven't used all your strength?

Chapter 2144 Haven't used all your strength?
The sharp sword energy surrounding the long sword broke through the air, shattering the dress at Yue Lianxue's heart, and no matter how hard Xia Zishang tried, it was difficult for the sword to advance any further.

Biting cold mist swarmed out, forming a layer of ice as hard as armor in Yue Lianxue's heart, which blocked Xia Zishang's sharp long sword.

The corners of Yue Lianxue's lips evoked a rebellious smile, she looked like a high-ranking peacock, "You alone are no match for this deity at all. Xia Zishang, do you think you can do it all by yourself? Can you bring down this deity? This deity sees you as wishful thinking!"

"Shang'er alone is not strong enough, so add me." Xuanyuan Yelan's melodious voice resounded in the air, and after the words fell, his handsome figure followed a gust of wind.

The fiery golden soul fire enveloped the whole body, Xuanyuan Yelan descended like the god of flame, at this time a flame went straight to Yuelianxuehou's heart and pierced it!
Yue Lianxue, who was scorched by the terrifying temperature of the prison fire, broke out in cold sweat. She was attacked from both sides, and immediately turned the iron fan in her hand, drawing a cold mist in the air, and dodged Xuanyuan Yelan's attack sideways.

"Xuanyuan Yelan, you came just in time!" Yue Lianxue thought that all this was caused by Xuanyuan Yelan, her eyes lit up with raging fire, and a fan went straight to his head.

Xia Zishang's lower body sank, she continued to rush forward, and then firmly blocked Yue Lianxue's iron fan.

The cold air came along the iron fan, forming a thin layer of ice on the glazed silver sword.

Xuanyuan Yelan took this opportunity to gather a flame of hell in his palm, and as he waved his arm, the flame showed a semi-circular shape and swept towards Yuelianxue's face!
A sense of fear that almost suffocated Yue Lianxue swept across her body, and she quickly leaned back, watching the blazing hellfire turn into a golden shadow, sweeping past her hotly.

Before Yuelian Xuesong could breathe a sigh of relief, Xia Zishang saw the opportunity and took a step forward, and directly swept Yuelianxue away with the long sword in his hand!

The long sword sliced ​​through Yue Lianxue's chin, and the pain hit her nerves. Her eyes were so angry that they almost burst into flames, and a cold air swept out, condensing into several sharp blades in the air.

"Ice Sky Blade!" After the voice fell, the ice blade swept out, leaving several bloody wounds on Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang.

Ding ding ding -!

Both of them kept waving their weapons, and most of the ice blades bounced off, but they still suffered a little flesh injury.

"Oh, I have a hundred years of cultivation, how can you two be my opponent!" Yue Lianxue sneered arrogantly, she looked at Xuanyuan Yelan mockingly, and sighed, "Xuanyuan Yelan, if you can use the prison with all your strength In the case of Huo, this deity may not be your opponent, but you seem to be scrupulous and have not used all your strength? How can you defeat this deity like this."

Yue Lianxue is very experienced, she can tell at a glance that Xuanyuan Yelan has reservations when fighting.

As the most domineering flame in the world, the Hellfire's power is naturally extraordinary.

As a first-class human being, Xuanyuan Yelan was already surprised to be able to use Hellfire.

But now it seems that Xuanyuan Yelan still has some reservations when using the prison fire, and has not brought out the full power of the prison fire, so Xuanyuan Yelan will definitely not be her opponent!

(End of this chapter)

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