God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2145 Can't leave your majesty and empress

Chapter 2145 Can't leave your majesty and empress

Staring at Yue Lianxue lightly, Xuanyuan Yelan pondered for a while and said, "I thought you looked seventy or eighty years old, but unexpectedly you are an old monster who has lived for a hundred years."

"Shut up! I don't allow you to blaspheme my peerless appearance!" The fake smile on Yue Lianxue's face couldn't hold back anymore, and she roared angrily with a gloomy face.

Xia Zishang and the two listened to the words, but smiled mockingly.

"Yue Lianxue, take a pee as you are now." Xia Zishang stared lightly at Yue Lianxue's drug-corroded face, and mocked with disdain.

This medicine is a disfigurement powder she specially invented for Yue Lianxue, and the effect is really good.

"Shut up! Xia Zishang, you unfilial girl, how dare you treat me like this!" Yue Lianxue roared angrily with her face hurting terribly.

"Don't act like an elder in front of me, Yue Lianxue, you are not worthy of being my Xia Zishang's mother." Xia Zishang's tone was extremely cold, as cold as it could freeze people into ice.

Yue Lianxue was startled for a moment, and then she understood, "So you already know. Hehe, but so what? Xia Zishang, I was the one who picked you up from the mountain back to Xia's family. You owe me a big favor. You have to pay it back!"

Xia Zishang heard the words, and the mocking smile on the corner of her mouth deepened.

If it wasn't for this woman, she could grow up freely in the mountains and forests in the early years. She is not an ordinary person, and she can grow up smoothly even if no one takes care of her. The family has suffered for so many years, and now this woman is still licking her face and leaning in front of her to mention this matter?

What a joke!
"Of course we will return it, just return your violent corpse in the wilderness, there is no dead body!" Xuanyuan Yelan said with a sneer and arrogance.

"Hahaha, what a joke! There is a temple behind this deity, and there are so many masters here. It is impossible for you to be opponents of this deity. It is you who died today, not this deity!" Yue Lianxue rebelliously tore away He shouted angrily in a loud voice, "The top and bottom of the temple obey the orders, and use all their strength to kill those who disobey the temple, and they will never die!"

Yue Lianxue's voice exploded like thunder. At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the cold wind howled, shaking people's hearts. Thousands of masters from all over the temple rushed out.

These masters are all dressed in silver and white, and afterimages are drawn in the air, like waves, coming from all directions at the same time.

Such a horrifying scene made one's scalp tingle with fright.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Seeing this scene, Yunluo was equally astonished and rushed to help.

"Your opponent is us!" Opposite Yunluo, Shaoyao and Mudan were aggressive, they raised their hands, and the blue lotus imprint on the center of their eyebrows emerged, and they slapped Yunluo with all their strength.

The terrifying speed and strength are frightening, even if Yunluo dodges a palm, she will still be hit by another person.

Forced to grit her teeth secretly, just when Yunluo was about to take the attack abruptly, a ray of light flew down from the sky, it was Jingli.

Jingli directly inhaled the peony and peony into the mirror, and then her figure appeared in front of Yunluo, her handsome face was filled with seriousness, "It's not safe here, let's go."

"No, we can't leave Your Majesty and Your Majesty behind!" Yunluo said anxiously, she thought that Jingli was afraid of those experts in the temple.

However, Jingli shook her head towards Yunluo, "I'm not worried about the people of the temple."

(End of this chapter)

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