God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2146 Dare to be presumptuous to my benefactor?

Chapter 2146 Dare to be presumptuous to my benefactor?
Jingli's words made Yunluo puzzled, she frowned and asked, "Then what are you worried about?"

Yunluo's voice just fell when there was a loud bang in the cloudy sky.

"Boom—!" Bright thunder and lightning lurked in the dark clouds, and amidst the tumbling clouds, bean-sized raindrops suddenly fell from the sky, hitting Yunluo's face heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the torrential rain fell from the sky, and it fell like pouring water, hitting everyone's body forcefully, and there was a stinging pain.

Between breaths, the huge rain curtain seemed to swallow everyone up.

Everything happened extremely quickly, almost within a breath, the rain covered everyone's eyes, forcing people to barely open their eyes.

The rainstorm came so suddenly that there was no room for everyone to fight back.

The wound on Yue Lianxue's face was splashed with rainwater, and there was a burst of more tormenting pain.

Different from ordinary rain, there was a different kind of aura hidden in the torrential rain that fell from the sky at this time. The rain fell profusely and suddenly, which made Yue Lianxue look puzzled.

During the thunder and lightning in the clouds, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan looked at each other, and they both saw smiles from the bottom of each other's eyes.

After several days of preparation, the main event is finally coming to the stage!

Yue Lianxue looked at the rainwater in her hand, and suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in her heart.

This is the sixth sense that Yue Lianxue has developed after years of training. When she was feeling restless, she suddenly heard a suppressed roar of a dragon coming from the air.

As for the rain screen, the sound of the dragon's roar was extremely obvious, and Yue Lianxue's face changed suddenly the moment it sounded.

"Everyone back!" Yue Lianxue hurriedly said to the people in the temple with alarm bells ringing in her heart.

People from the temple had already rushed behind Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan, they lifted their feet and jumped, but at this moment, a snow-white thunder crashed down as if it was about to tear the sky apart, and then, a deafening roar of dragons pierced through world!

The ear-piercing roar of the dragon and the sound of thunder merged into one, and as the rain fell, the direction of the beast court of the temple collapsed, and a majestic black dragon rushed out of the ruins. Its body was stained with blood and a large amount of dust was washed away by the rain that fell from the sky. Cleanly, he soared into the air while roaring, breaking into the eyes of everyone present with an extremely domineering posture.

As the wind howled, the rain slapped the faces of the people more violently. Everyone looked at the black dragon with horror.

His dark eyes quickly locked on Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang. When Long Shitian saw that the people from the temple were heading towards them, a contemptuous sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, "A mere human race!" , how dare to be presumptuous to my benefactor?"

The power of the dragon clan swept out, and the torrential rain pouring down all around suddenly condensed into a huge water ball in midair. The wave swept over and sent all those people from the temple who tried to make a move flying away!
The water in the tide is constantly rotating, and the strength contained in it can easily crush the bones of the people present, and all the people in the temple are swallowed by the rain in an instant.

As Long Shitian further ran wild, its huge figure shuttled through the dark clouds, controlled the water flow between the sky and the earth, and condensed into a huge wave with a height of ten meters!
The huge pitch-black waves churned, making people's feet weak.

(End of this chapter)

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