Chapter 2187

Everyone's physical condition is different, and the meridians of those who cannot practice are very fragile, so forcibly expanding them can easily backfire.

Therefore, most alchemists are unwilling to do such things.

Therefore, Xia Zishang helped Hongmiaoren expand her meridians and help her cultivate, which was actually a very labor-intensive task.

Not to mention, expanding the meridians also requires a lot of medicinal materials.

"The Cangwolves have taken us in for so many days, we live here for nothing, of course we have to show something. And the wonderful person is still my friend, so I should help her." Xia Zishang was worried about her Straightforwardly explaining the purpose of coming, Hong Miaoren would refuse because it was too much trouble for her, so he made this excuse, in order not to let Hong Miaoren have any psychological burden.

The dead head did not refute Xia Zishang's thoughts, but looked at Hongmiaoren's pulse case seriously, "This little girl is in good health, so she should be able to withstand the expansion of meridians. However, even so, we still Be careful, lest you end up not being able to save people, but harming people instead.”

Agreeing with the words of the dead head, Xia Zishang also felt that this matter was very risky, but for the sake of her friends, she decided to try it.

Without wasting time, Xia Zishang continued to study with the dead head how to help Hongmiaoren.

Time flies, it's late at night.

Brother and sister Lang Miaoren and Lang Ya are competing in the practice field.

The two brothers and sisters only used their internal strength to fight each other. At this time, they were all fighting with all their strength. The fierce look seemed to want to put the other party to death. The fists and whip legs outlined cold winds in the air, sharp Going towards the opponent, but every time he can be dodged by the opponent before touching the opponent.

But in comparison, Langmiaoren was more restrained by Langya. When she fought with Langya, she quickly fell behind. She tried her best to keep up with Langya's terrifying strength and speed, but In the end, it could only be in vain, and Lang Ya found the opportunity.

Raising his hand, Langya slapped Hongmiaoren's shoulder heavily.

"Hmm..." With a muffled snort, thick sweat dripped from Langmiaoren's forehead, and the cold sweat trickled down her back, causing an uncontrollable feeling of tightness in her chest. .

After snorting, he took two steps back again and again, and after adjusting his breathing, Wang Miaoren looked at Lang Ya with a smile, "Brother, yours seems to be more powerful than before!"

Seeing Hong Miaoren looking at him with an excited smile on his face, the smile on the corner of Lang Ya's lips deepened by three points, and he couldn't help but raised his hand to touch Hong Miaoren's head, "Your strength is also much better than before Now, especially today, the spiritual power in your body seems to be much stronger than before, what's going on?"

Seeing Lang Ya looking at him with a curious face, Lang Miaoren suddenly realized, and said with a smile, "Oh, brother, you said this, it's like this!"
Langmiao was beaming with joy, and soon told Langya all about Xia Zishang's plan to help her expand her meridians, and the fact that she had just eaten the elixir Xia Zishang gave her.

Langya listened carefully, and at the end, she couldn't help sighing, "I've heard that the queen is very powerful, and she is a very powerful alchemist. I think she may be helping you on purpose this time, can you Take advantage of this opportunity.”

(End of this chapter)

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