God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2188 Will not disappoint Chang'er's wishes

Chapter 2188 Will not disappoint Chang'er's wishes

"Well, don't worry, big brother, I will definitely not let down Chang'er's wishes." Hong Miaoren nodded with a smile, and then the two siblings chatted a few more words, seeing that the weather was almost getting dark, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Hongmiaoren walked on the way back to the tree house under the moonlight.

Suddenly a gust of icy cold air blows over the face, gently blowing on the back of Hongmiaoren's neck.

The unusual coldness instantly spread throughout her limbs and bones, as if it was about to freeze her, causing the expression of Miao Miaoren to change immediately, and a very bad feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

Obviously, it was a small path that she was already used to walking, but for some reason today, her whole body was always shrouded in a layer of cold mist, as if ghostly hands swept past her feet, making her shudder, I just feel uncomfortable all over, and the pace of my feet can't help but speed up by two points.

Just when Hong Miaoren felt more and more wrong, a faint call came from behind her.

"Miaoren..." The eerie voice was stretched out, and the bone-piercing chill seemed to be like a ghost's hand sweeping across Miaoren's neck, making the goosebumps on her body tremble suddenly, and then she raised her head and looked behind her Go, and saw a ghost not far away!
Her breathing froze suddenly, and the Miao people felt that it was not good. The blurred ghost image, like a puff of smoke, came in front of her in just a blink of an eye, and then suddenly fell on her. body!
The vigilance on his face disappeared in an instant, and the Miaoren turned around stiffly like a puppet, and instead of returning to his residence, he walked towards the grove not far away.

And here, Hongmiaoren can clearly feel that her body is being controlled. She wants to resist, but she can't use spells and doesn't have much spiritual power in her body. In the end, she can only let others control her. Before the grove.

She vaguely heard something moving in the grove, and Miaoren didn't have time to delve into it. The feeling that enveloped her, that feeling that seemed to be controlled, disappeared in an instant.

It seemed that the mountain that was pressing on his shoulders suddenly disappeared, Hongmiaoren shivered suddenly as if he was relieved from a heavy burden, and then quickly looked around.

However, the surrounding area is empty and there is nothing.

"It's strange, could it be my illusion?" Hong Miaoren looked puzzled, she just frowned, and then heard a man's suppressed voice in the grove.

"Hehe, you told these people that I am your younger brother? Le Yan, you are really good at deceiving people!" The man's voice sounded like pain hidden, in this cold night, it sounded like Eerie.

After hearing this voice, Wang Miaoren couldn't help feeling familiar.

Isn't this voice the voice of Liu Leyan's younger brother?
When wanting to have dinner today, Liu Leyan brought it to the Blue Wolf Clan with her younger brother who is also a soul. At that time, under Liu Leyan's half-pushing, her younger brother also greeted them.

Because Liu Leyan's younger brother's voice is extremely deep and hoarse, so Hong Miaoren can recognize it immediately.

She remembered that Liu Leyan's younger brother seemed to be called Liu Shuo.

Thinking of what Liu Shuo said just now, a very bad premonition suddenly rose in Hongmiaoren's heart, and then he held his breath and continued to eavesdrop.

(End of this chapter)

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