God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2189 Why don't you even have a doorkeeper?

Chapter 2189 Why don't you even have a doorkeeper?

In the woods, the shadows of the trees intertwined. Liu Leyan was facing her younger brother Liu Shuo. At this time, after Liu Leyan heard Liu Shuo's words, the expression on her face changed rapidly, and then she stared at him with eyes full of warning. Liu Shuo glanced, "Look, what are you talking about? Why don't you even have a clue? Why don't you hurry up and stop talking."

Different from Liu Leyan's nervousness, Liu Shuo's expression looked even more disdainful. At this moment, he put his arms around his chest and looked at Liu Leyan indifferently and distantly, "Yan'er, why do you think you are doing this? I told you that I don’t need it, so why did you insist on coming to the Blue Wolf Clan? Have you ever thought about what would happen if your thoughts were discovered?”

Liu Shuo's reproachful and disappointed tone was like a sharp needle piercing Liu Leyan's heart, causing the expression on Liu Leyan's face to change at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Who am I doing this for? ? Isn’t it for you? Besides, as long as you don’t tell, no one will know!”

"That's not a long-term solution, alas, why don't you understand anything?" Liu Shuo raised his hands wearily to rub the center of his brows, and sighed, "I really don't need you to sacrifice so much for me, Let's get out of here, shall we?"

"No!" Liu Leyan's tone was strong and unshakable, "You know me well, and I will definitely do what I said. If you want to leave, then you can go alone, but as long as If you don't cooperate with me, I will immediately tell the truth to the Canglang tribe. You also know that the Cangwolf tribe has always had revenge. If you want to see me killed by their tribe, you can go ahead Go ahead and talk!"

Looking at Liu Leyan anxiously, Liu Shuo seemed to want to persuade her again, but he didn't know where to start. In the end, he could only sigh, then frowned and fell into a deep silence.

Li Leyan also looked at Liu Shuo aggrievedly, "A Shuo, you are on my side. We have depended on each other until now, how can you not understand me? If you don't even stand on my side, then I might as well I'd rather die……"

When it came to the end, Liu Leyan lowered her head aggrieved, and wiped her tears with sobs.

Seeing Liu Leyan like this, Liu Shuo had no choice but to let go of his stubbornness, "Okay, I know I was wrong, don't be angry."

While speaking, Liu Shuo approached Liu Leyan.

Seeing the distance between these two people getting closer and closer, Hong Miaoren's heart rose in her throat, subconsciously wanting to get closer to the two of them.

Unexpectedly, with this movement, Hongmiaoren accidentally stepped on a dry branch and made a very crisp and crisp sound.

With a click, Liu Leyan and the two in the woods were alerted.

Hongmiaoren couldn't help but gritted his teeth, and sighed secretly in his heart what a pity!

At first I thought I could find something, but who knew it was all in vain.

No way, Hongmiaoren had no choice but to start the conversation, "Who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing in the grove?"

The two people in the woods were extremely nervous, but they still had to pretend to be calm and calm.

"So it's Miss Miaoren." Liu Leyan's figure floated out quietly like a cloud of smoke, looked at Miaoren with a half-smile, and said, "It's me and my brother in the woods. I The younger brother said he just came here, and he is not familiar with the Canglang clan, so I will take him for a stroll. By the way, Miss Miaoren, when did you come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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