God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2239 willingly gave her so much money

Chapter 2239 willingly gave her so much money

Yun Jingyue's few dishes were indeed not in vain. After she put the food on the table, she saw the three children who thought she was a little strange, and they all put away their doubts about her and started to eat seriously. The special dishes that Yun Jingyue is best at.

Time passed quietly, and when the sun was setting and the night was getting darker, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan finally got together the 9000 million taels of gold that Yun Jingyue needed.

"Grandma Yi, this is the money you need." When Xuanyuan Yelan spoke, he handed a space ring for storage to Yun Jingyue, "Because it is all cash and the amount is huge, so I can only use the space ring Temporarily stored."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yun Jingyue took over the space ring, and the excitement hidden in her heart could not be described in words!

She succeeded, she really succeeded, she successfully cheated Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang's money!
She was so happy that she almost wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, Yun Jingyue secretly scolded these two people as fools in her heart.

They didn't realize that she was actually a counterfeit at all, so they gave her so much money willingly.

With this money, she can recruit soldiers and increase the power of their Blood Sect.

When the Blood Sect becomes stronger with the money, she will make a comeback and wipe out Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan!
Yun Jingyue was even happier when she thought that she could use Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan's money to deal with them.

It's just that Yun Jingyue was too complacent, but she didn't notice the coldness that flashed in the eyes of the husband and wife.

Immediately accepting the ring, the excitement in Yun Jingyue's heart was hard to describe in words, she couldn't help smiling and looked at the two of them and said, "Then I have to go and put the children to sleep, so I'll go first."

After Yun Jingyue finished speaking, she turned around and strode away.

"Xiao Wanzi." Before Yun Jingyue said that she was going to take care of the children, Xia Zishang just opened her mouth, and Xiao Wanzi jumped in front of her.

"Master, do you have any orders for me?" Looking up at Xia Zishang cutely, Xiaowanzi asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Turn into a little squirrel first and show me," Xia Zishang ordered.

Xia Zishang just finished saying this, Xiaowanzi's whole body flashed with light, and quickly turned into a little squirrel, then stood obediently in Xia Zishang's palm and raised her head, holding her eyes tightly with those watery blue eyes. Staring at her, "Master, what are your orders?"

"I want you to go to the children's room and sleep with them." Xia Zishang gently stroked the soft hair of Xiaowanzi, and said softly, "Remember, you must pretend to be an ordinary squirrel. I want you to keep an eye on Granny Yi for me, if she does something wrong, you just..."

Xiaowanzi pricked up her ears, listening to Xia Zishang's instructions to her.

At the end, Xiaowanzi agreed without hesitation, patted his own small chest proudly, and vowed, "Master, don't worry! I promise it will be done!"

After the voice fell, Xiaowanzi's figure rushed out from the spot quickly, like an afterimage, and quickly disappeared.

"Shang'er, are you suspicious of Granny Yi?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked Xia Zishang after witnessing all this.

Xia Zishang thought for a while, and then said frankly, "I don't doubt Grandma Yi, I just take precautions. Yunyan, let me tell you the truth, I think Granny Yi is a bit strange now, and what she does is not like It's what she would do in normal times."

(End of this chapter)

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