God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2240 Don't Disturb Me To Put The Children To Sleep

Chapter 2240 Don't Disturb Me To Put The Children To Sleep
In fact, Xia Zishang didn't know how to use words to describe the weird feeling in her heart, anyway, she felt something was wrong.

Obviously Yibama looks like Yibama, but Xia Zishang always has a strange feeling, which cannot be described in words.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I also feel this way." Xuanyuan Yelan raised his hand and held Xia Zishang's hand tightly, and the two interlocked their fingers. He continued, "I just hope that our feelings are wrong. "

If Granny Yi really wanted to betray them for some reason, Xuanyuan Yelan would definitely be hit hard.

Xia Zishang also didn't want to see this scene, she could only hold Xuanyuan Yelan's hand tightly, "It's been a busy day, we should go to rest."

The fingers of the two were clasped together, and they left together while talking.

This room, in the sleeping hall, the children have already washed and washed, and are lying on the bed, waiting for Granny Yi to come over.

"Aunt Yunluo, why hasn't mother-in-law come over?" Qingcheng raised her chin with her chubby little hands, and she kept looking at the closed door, eager to see through it.

After hearing Qingcheng's question, Yunluo couldn't help but look towards the door, "Miss, don't worry, since Grandma Yi said she would come, she will definitely come."

Sure enough, after Yunluo's words fell, the closed door in front of them was pushed open, and Granny Yi walked out with a smile on her face.

It can be seen at a glance that Granny Yi is in a very good mood at this time, Yunluo quickly stood up, and blessed Granny Yi, "Grandma, it's time for the princess and the princes to go to bed, let the servants come to serve you tonight How many people?"

When it comes to taking care of the three children, besides Xia Zishang, Yunluo is the best at it, so Yunluo took the initiative to stay, planning to help Granny Yi.

Who knew that Granny Yi just glanced at Yunluo indifferently after hearing Yunluo's words, and then immediately averted her gaze, and said disapprovingly, "You don't need your help, just step back, I'll be alone Only one person can take care of these three children.”

Granny Yi refused quickly, her tone was unquestionable, she did not give Yunluo any right to refuse.

The smile on the corner of Yunluo's mouth stiffened for a moment, and she said worriedly, "Mother-in-law, the three princes and princesses all want to listen to stories before they rest, and you are already old, why don't you let the servants accompany you to help you?" , When the princess and princes fall asleep, the slaves will leave."

Just when Yunluo said this, Xiaowanzi's small figure broke in from the window quietly, and it was now disguised as a cute little squirrel, lying obediently at the foot of the bed and closing its doors. Eyes, without saying a word.

Seeing how cute Little Maruko is, Qing Mo couldn't help raising his hand to poke it, and was about to ask why Little Maruko came here suddenly, but before he could open his mouth, he saw that Little Maruko seemed to be extremely sleepy Close your eyes and fall asleep.

Granny Yi didn't notice the existence of Xiaowanzi, but just looked at Yunluo displeasedly, "I said no, just don't, don't worry, I can take care of it. You go out, don't disturb me to put the children to sleep .”

At the end of the talk, Granny Yi kept a straight face, with an unquestionable look on her face.

Seeing that Granny Yi insisted so much, Yunluo couldn't speak anymore, so she could only back off with a embarrassed expression.

Watching Yunluo leave, Yun Jingyue finally gave up.

Next, it was her turn to act.

The evil light in Yun Jingyue's eyes was fleeting, she turned and walked in the direction of the children.

(End of this chapter)

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