God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2253 Are you bullying me on purpose?

Chapter 2253 Are you bullying me on purpose?
The poor girls who were so excited can only stand there blankly, looking at each other and the people around them, and finally all fell silent, unable to understand what is going on now?
Why is there an attractive coachman next to the good-looking young man?

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, the girls recalled Xuanyuan Yelan's magnetic voice just now, and they all felt that Su's feet were softened, and then they watched the little red bellyband fall tragically on the ground, and no one was there. Ask about.

Xuanyuan Yelan opened a room, and under the gaze of the entire inn, she carried Xia Zishang all the way to the room on the second floor in a very high-profile way.

When Xuanyuan Yelan carried Xia Zishang into the room and put her down, Xia Zishang's face was completely red.

Looking down at Xia Zishang's expression, Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes softened three points, and couldn't help but chuckled and asked, "Why, are you shy?"

Xia Zishang didn't want to pay attention to Xuanyuan Yelan, but blushed even more, bit her lower lip and hummed softly, "Be honest with me, are you bullying me on purpose?"

"I was worried that you were too tired from walking, so I carried you all the way." Xuanyuan Yelan said calmly without blushing.

Xia Zishang was really pissed off by the man in front of her. She patted the man's arm to let him put her down, and then snorted softly, "Don't play poor here, don't I know you?" ? You clearly did it on purpose."

"It's just my shang'er that attracts so much attention." Xuanyuan Yelan raised her hand and gently stroked Xia Zishang's small face, feeling uncontrollably worried.

Naturally, he would be worried. Chang'er was so charming that he really couldn't help it.

"It seems that I have to find a way to change my appearance, otherwise it will be too high-profile now, and it will easily arouse others' suspicion." As soon as Xia Zishang finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan immediately raised his hands in agreement.

"Next, we have to investigate the situation on the side of the Holy Medicine Gate first, and see how we can successfully sneak into the Holy Medicine Gate." Xuanyuan Yelan pulled Xia Zishang all the way to the bed, pressed her shoulders and gave way. She sat down, "Leave the investigation to me. You should recharge your batteries and have a good rest."

"Okay." If it was in the past, Xia Zishang would definitely ask Xuanyuan Huan Yelan to investigate together, but today's situation is different from the past. She really couldn't cheer up.

Especially after touching the soft bed, Xia Zishang felt a wave of drowsiness sweeping over her, and she couldn't help but began to feel drowsy again.

Seeing Xia Zishang raised her hand and rubbed her eyes when she was talking, Xuanyuan Yelan looked at her eyes full of concern. At this time, she was about to say something, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she moved her mouth. I didn't say anything.

"What? Just say what you want?" Xia Zishang noticed Xuanyuan Yelan's hesitation and said proactively.

Since Xia Zishang asked for it on his own initiative, Xuanyuan Yelan would naturally not be polite. He stared at Xia Zishang, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Shang'er, you probably have one..."

When it came to the end, Xuanyuan Yelan couldn't help being full of anticipation, looking straight at Xia Zishang, waiting for her answer.

(End of this chapter)

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