God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2254 It's a bit like being pregnant

Chapter 2254 It's a bit like being pregnant

I don't know why, these two days, Chang'er always feels tired, eats a lot, sleeps a lot, it really looks like she is pregnant.

Xia Zishang didn't realize what Xuanyuan Yelan meant at first, but she didn't realize it until she saw this person looking at her expectantly, and then her face flushed instantly, "What are you thinking? Of course not Already!"

This is not the first time she has experienced this kind of weakness. She asked Wangcai before, and Wangcai said that it was because her current body was too weak. It was purely a normal phenomenon, not what Xuanyuan Yelan said. that situation.

Naturally, Xia Zishang wasn't expecting it. Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan's depression, she also couldn't bear it. She cleared her throat and said, "If there is, I will take the initiative to tell you."

"Then it seems that I have to continue to work hard." Xuanyuan Yelan helped Xia Zishang take off her boots while speaking, then helped her lie down, covered her with a quilt, and put a blanket between her eyebrows Printed a kiss, "Wait for me a moment, I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Xia Zishang nodded gently, then watched Xuanyuan Yelan leave.

Lying on the bed, Xia Zishang fell into a drowsy sleep.

This sleep was very good, and Xia Zishang finally woke up from hunger.

There was a moving scent of food in the air, Xia Zishang opened his eyes in a daze, turned his head to look at the source of the scent, and turned to meet Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes.

I saw that Xuanyuan Yelan had already prepared a table full of exquisite meals, and when Xia Zishang woke up, the smile on her brows and eyes immediately deepened by three points, and she greeted her directly, "Get up, I just happened to ask the waiter for it." Here comes the food, come over and let's eat together."

Xia Zishang sniffed the smell of food wafting in the air, lifted the quilt lazily, put on her boots again, and came to the table.

The food on the table looked bland at first glance, but fortunately, it was delicious in color and fragrance, and the fragrance aroused the glutton in Xia Zishang's stomach.

Hastily sat down beside Xuanyuan Yelan, Xia Zishang took a chopstick and put the food into his mouth. He only felt that the taste was indescribably good, so he couldn't help but took two more mouthfuls, and then gave Xuanyuan Yelan some food. , "Is there any news from the investigation?"

"Shang'er, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to sneak into the holy medicine gate this time." Xuanyuan Yelan said calmly.

Xia Zishang paused while eating, narrowed her eyes in confusion and asked, "Why?"

"Everyone in the city is saying that starting tomorrow, every household in the city, even the people in the inn, will be enthroned. After verification, the common people in the city can get an identity plate, and we outsiders can also get a temporary identity. The purpose of the spar is to prevent people with malicious intentions from sneaking into the Holy Medicine City and destroying it. To enter the Holy Medicine Gate, you need a disciple's token, and those who don't have a token are not allowed to enter or leave the Holy Medicine Gate at will." Xuanyuan Yelan was cold He narrowed his eyes, and paused for a moment with the hand holding the chopsticks, "If I'm not wrong, Ji Yongyuan should already know the news that the two of us came to the Holy Medicine City."

It was precisely because Ji Yongyuan knew about it that he took precautions.

The purpose is to prevent them who have 'wrong intentions' from ruining his wedding.

"Ji Yongyuan is really a cunning fox." Xia Zishang narrowed his eyes in displeasure, and said thoughtfully, "Can't we think of a way to escape their search?"

(End of this chapter)

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