God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2264 Has her face been destroyed?

Chapter 2264 Has her face been destroyed?

"Come on! Come on! Miss is awake!" At this time, the maid in charge of Hua Zhu found that she had woken up, and rushed to Hua Zhu in ecstasy, looking at her with tears in her eyes. Huazhu shouted loudly, "Miss, you finally woke up! The doctor said that you lost a lot of blood, and everyone is very worried about you!"

"Mirror, give me the mirror, I want to look in the mirror." The severe pain on Hua Zhu's face seemed to tell her that things were not that simple, and she looked at the maid in panic, looking for the mirror.

"Zhu'er!" At this time, a pair of women walked in, the leading woman was over fifty years old, with silver threads in her black hair, she was Hua Zhu's grandmother, Pang Zi.

"Mother, please slow down." Beside Pangzi, there is another woman who seems to be 20 years younger than her. She looks very similar to her. It is Pangzi's daughter, Hua Wuji.

"Grandma, mother." Hua Zhu couldn't be excited, she just called the two of them now, and there was a sharp pain on her face, which made her ask quickly, "My face, what's wrong with my face?" ? Ah? You tell me quickly?"

"Zhu'er, don't get excited. Your face is injured. The doctor said that as long as you rest well, you can recover. Don't worry..." Hua Wuji comforted her softly with an extremely pale smile.

Hua Zhu really didn't believe it, and said stubbornly, "No, I want to see my wound, give me the mirror!"

She always felt that it was not that simple, her injured half of her face was constantly being torn with sharp pain, and the wound was throbbing, spreading all the way from the corner of her mouth, and she was about to pass out from the pain.

her face!Had her face been ruined?

Seeing that Huazhu was so stubborn, Pang and Huawuji didn't agree to Huazhu for a while, and the mother and daughter stood there frowning, without saying a word.

"If you don't give it to me, I'll go see it myself!" Hua Zhu angrily tore off the gauze on her face. She didn't care about the crowd's stop, and she staggered down with the almost excruciating pain on her face. He got off the bed, walked to the mirror step by step, and then looked up at himself in the mirror.

It doesn't matter if Hua Zhu doesn't look at it, she looked at herself in the mirror, and immediately opened her throat, letting out a mournful wail.

She couldn't believe that the face reflected in the mirror belonged to her!
There were scars all over her face, especially the scar on the right cheek, which tore her flesh all the way from the corner of her mouth. Now the wound has been treated, but no matter how skilled the doctor is, he is dealing with this kind of wound It is impossible to guarantee the recovery as before, just like Huazhu's face at this time, the wound looks like a ferocious centipede, and there are bloodshots, which makes people feel scared just looking at it.

"Ah! Ahhh!" Hua Zhu kept screaming, Hua Wuji rushed forward and hugged her tightly.

"Good girl, don't be afraid, mother swears that she will cure you!" Hua Wuji said while holding Huazhu, choked with sobs.

"Zhu'er, don't worry, grandpa will not only cure you, but also investigate the truth of the matter!" At this time, an old man with a gloomy face strode into the door.

One can tell at a glance that this old man is by no means an ordinary person. He is dressed in a pink robe, and he walked in quickly like a flower fairy who has become a fairy. He has a serious face and a murderous look all over his body. nondescript.

(End of this chapter)

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