God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2265 You must avenge me

Chapter 2265 You must avenge me
The moment the people in the room saw the old man, one by one, as if they had seen the backbone, they turned to the old man with sobs and began to cry.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomy Her eyes were spinning, she was in so much pain that she didn't dare to cry, for fear that if she cried, it would hurt even more!
"I knew it!" Hua Qingzhi, the head of the Hua family and the third elder of the Holy Medicine Sect, gritted his teeth and said angrily, "People on the street say that you fell and disfigured yourself because of your stupidity. Know that things are not that simple!"

He never expected that people in the city would talk about him behind his back like this, Hua Zhu almost rolled his eyes and fainted, "Wuuuuu, grandpa, you must avenge me, wuuuuu, otherwise I will not live !"

"Don't worry, I've already found out where the inn where the man who hurt you today and his master is staying. I'll go and investigate the two of them first in the morning tomorrow. At that time, no matter who they are, Grandpa will not help them prove their identities, and then arrest their master and servant together, you can take revenge any way you want!"

Of course, the members of their Holy Medicine Sect cannot casually attack people in the city. In the past, Hua Qingzhi could only assassinate the person who hurt his granddaughter.

The blame can only be blamed on the bad luck of those two people, who came out to make trouble just when their identities were about to be strictly checked.

Until tomorrow, as long as he splashed dirty water casually, the two of them would be able to go around without food.

Huazhu finally gave up after hearing this, she was no longer so sad, and fell down as if she lost her strength.

After Hua Zhu fell asleep, Pang took Hua Qingzhi away and asked anxiously, "Master, is what you said just now true or false?"

"Of course it's true? How could I tell a lie? Just wait, I'll arrest the master and servant together tomorrow!" Hua Qingzhi said with raised eyebrows.

"But... But tomorrow, you are not responsible for verifying your identity, sir, but Elder Xing is in charge. You know, Elder Xing always hates public revenge. If you are accidentally discovered by Elder Xing... "Pang Zi didn't say what she said next, but even if she didn't say it, someone as smart as Hua Qingzhi could understand it.

"What you're considering is indeed somewhat reasonable. However, you can rest assured that I will visit tomorrow and ask the Elder Xing for help. I believe that the Elder Xing will definitely give me this face." Hua Qingzhi was full of confidence. said full.

Only then did Pang feel relieved, and after nodding, the husband and wife left Huazhu's room hand in hand, leaving Huawuji alone to take care of Huazhu.

However, Hua Qingzhi didn't know it. Although he didn't report this to the First Elder immediately, the First Elder already knew about it.

In the private room of an inn in Holy Medicine City.

Xing Yuan changed the linen clothes he was wearing before, he was wearing a gorgeous robe, and he was sitting at the table, drinking the best Longjing tea, and listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"You said something happened to the third elder's house?" Xing Yuan raised his eyes, looked at the dark guard kneeling in front of him and said.

"Yes." Tianying nodded, and said in a respectful tone, "I heard that Huazhu, the daughter of the Hua family, failed to moleste a man in the auction house. Not only was she rejected, but she even accidentally fell down and broke her face. The counter is disfigured."

(End of this chapter)

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