God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2266 Help Me Do One Thing

Chapter 2266 Do One Thing For Me
When Tianying reported here, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Speaking of the third elder's granddaughter, it can be said that everyone in the holy medicine city knows everyone.

Hua Qingzhi has no son, only Hua Wuji, a daughter, so in order to keep the family's incense alive, he found a son-in-law who stepped in the door and gave birth to Hua Zhu, a precious granddaughter. He can't wait to hold Hua Zhu to the sky on weekdays , it is afraid of falling in the hand, afraid of melting in the mouth, even if Hua Zhu behaves improperly, Hua Qingzhi doesn't care, and instead indulges Hua Zhu's willful behavior.

But something like this happened today, Hua Qingzhi will definitely take the man who rejected Hua Zhu and put everything on the other party's head!
It has to be said that Tianying is really good at predicting things like a god, and the things he guessed are verbatim.

"Her face smashed the counter?" Xing Yuan's focus was different from Tianying's. He seemed distressed and asked, "Everything in the auction house is owned by the Holy Medicine Sect, including the counter. , that bamboo smashed the counter, did you lose money?"

Tianying was stunned when he heard Xing Yuan's words, he couldn't believe that his master could be so stingy.

But thinking that Xing Yuan has always devoted himself to the Holy Medicine Sect, and everything is for the sake of the Holy Medicine Sect, Tianying can understand, "Not yet. The slave will come to ask for it tomorrow."

"En." After hearing this, Xing Yuan was very satisfied and nodded.

"Master, you see that the Hua family has suffered a lot this time. According to the personality of the third elder, I'm afraid it is to take revenge on the man who rejected Hua Zhu. I heard that the third elder seems to want to tamper with the identity plate. Throw those two people into the prison, take a look, do we want to take care of this matter?"

"As long as their family obediently compensates the auction house for the losses, the rest is up to them." Xing Yuan doesn't care about others, and what he always remembers in his heart is the Holy Medicine Gate.

Keep telling myself this in my heart, Xing Yuan seems to be hypnotizing myself, but Yun Suxian always appears in front of my eyes.

I can always think of Yun Suxian's heartbroken expression when he was crying. Xing Yuan took a deep breath and then sighed. He just wanted to get rid of Yun Suxian's figure as soon as possible, so he asked casually, "By the way, who is it?" Rejected Huazhu?"

"It's a pair of master and servant. The master is a handsome young master, and the male servant is tall and handsome. Today, Hua Zhu has taken a fancy to that male servant. By the way, I heard that both of them are generous. The master spent 3000 taels of silver I bought three Wanyin Dan, and even the servant was very rich. I bought a brooch for 1000 taels, and it was at that time that Miss Huazhu fell in love with the servant. As you know, Miss Huazhu likes it the most. ..."


Before Tianying finished speaking, he suddenly saw Xing Yuan crush the teacup in his hand with a shocked expression on his face.

The fragments of the teacup pierced Xing Yuan's hand, and the blood mixed with the tea flowed down, staining his robe, but he didn't even look at it, just said in surprise to himself, "How is this possible, isn't it? It's them?"

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Xing Yuan was surprised by Tianying, and hurriedly stepped forward to treat his wound.

"You're fine. You just told me that the third elder is going to see the master and servant tomorrow?" Xing Yuan asked with a cold expression.

Seeing Tianying nodded, Xing Yuan narrowed his eyes, and a icy color flashed in the depths of his eyes, "In that case, you will also go to the master and servant tomorrow and do something for me."

Tianying asked in confusion, "I don't know what orders the master has?"

(End of this chapter)

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