God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2267 You mean that this elder is disgraceful

Chapter 2267 You mean that this elder is disgraceful

Xing Yuan winked at Tianying, and Tianying immediately listened to him.

Xing Yuan leaned closer to Tianying's ear and gave a command.

After listening to Xing Yuan's instructions, Tianying immediately showed a troubled expression, "Ah? Master, are you sure you want to do this? As members of the Holy Medicine Sect, how can we do such disgraceful things like the third elder? ?”

"What do you mean by that? Do you mean that this elder is dishonorable?" Xing Yuan asked with a cold expression, his eyes seemed to be able to shoot a sky eagle through.

Hearing this, Tianying quickly lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

"You just do as I tell you. You don't have to worry about other things." Xing Yuan's tone was unquestionable, his eyes showed a suffocating indifference, and he exhaled coldly, "I know what I'm doing, you step back."

Tianying had never seen Xing Yuan so stubborn, he nodded cautiously, "Yes, this subordinate will leave."

Watching Tianying leave, Xing Yuan got up and walked to the window, and then looked in the direction of the Holy Medicine Gate through the vast night, and the image of Yun Suxian became more and more vivid in his mind.

"Yun'er, I did this for your own good." After Xing Yuan's words fell, the expression on his face froze slightly, then he withdrew his gaze, raised his hand and closed the window.

Time flies, the night dissipates, and the light breaks out the next morning.

Hua Qingzhi was about to go to Xingyuan to ask Xingyuan for help, but unexpectedly Tianying came to him.

In the Holy Medicine Sect, the status of each elder is very different, so even though Hua Qingzhi is the third elder, when he faces Tian Ying, who is the confidant of the elder Xing Yuan, he still has a good attitude. Pretending to say, "Isn't this Brother Tianying? To tell you the truth, I was planning to ask Elder Xingda for a little favor, but Brother Tianying came here first."

Tianying's attitude towards Hua Qingzhi was also good, he showed a kind smile, and said politely, "Master knows what the third elder is doing, so today he specially asked me to follow the third elder."

"So, the Great Elder is planning to help me?" Hua Qingzhi originally thought that he was going to rub his lips, and persuaded the stubborn Xing Yuan. Who knows, he hasn't opened his mouth yet. The cake was automatically sent into his mouth.

Tianying answered irrelevantly, "Third Elder, if you say some things directly, it will be meaningless."

Hua Qingzhi was overjoyed, and nodded his head like pounding garlic, "Brother Tianying is right, I was reckless! Let's go, please brother Tianying get on my carriage, I will take you there with me."

Tianying smiled and didn't say much, and got into Hua Qingzhi's carriage very cooperatively, and the two headed towards the inn where Xia Zishang was staying.

The group of people had a clear goal, and half a quarter of an hour later, they arrived outside the door of the inn, broke in directly, went up the stairs all the way, and came to the room where the two were.

Hua Qingzhi thought that the culprit who had hurt his precious granddaughter was in the room, so he immediately looked fierce, stepped forward and slammed his fist on the door.

A loud noise frightened everyone in the hall to look at the menacing Hua Qingzhi, and then actively opened the distance between them and Hua Qingzhi, for fear of being implicated.

"Get out of the elders right away!" Hua Qingzhi roared angrily.

Seeing this scene, Tianying seemed to have not seen it, and acquiesced to Hua Qingzhi's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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