God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2268 Knowing that they are members of the Holy Medicine Sect

Chapter 2268 Knowing that they are members of the Holy Medicine Sect

And Hua Qingzhi's roar scared all the other people staying in the inn to wake up, some of them were still wearing underwear, they opened the door in a daze and poked their heads out, only to see the holy medicine door people.

Most of these people are outsiders who come to the Holy Medicine City to seek medicine or do business. They don't know what Hua Qingzhi's identity is, but Hua Qingzhi and the others all wear the medicine tripod-style badges representing the Holy Medicine Gate on their chests. , so everyone recognized them, and they were afraid of being hurt for a while.

"Then, isn't that the Third Elder of the Holy Medicine Sect? And the Sky Eagle next to the Great Elder? What are they doing here so early in the morning?" At that moment, the city people who came to have breakfast in the hall recognized several of them. person's identity.

"I don't know...why are they so aggressive? They look really scary." Then another person said.

"Don't panic, everyone. We are here to verify your identities according to the rules." Tianying saw that they had caused a commotion, so he calmed down and continued to comfort the people below, "We will check one by one, everything is routine, Please also cooperate with our Holy Medicine Sect's work."

Everyone will naturally cooperate, but they always feel that they are coming to quarrel when they look at the aggressive look of the Holy Medicine Sect, which makes people feel uneasy.

But no one dared to speak, watching the door in front of Hua Qingzhi being opened with a creak.

As the door opened, the neatly dressed figure of Xuanyuan Yelan came into everyone's eyes.

There was still a hint of displeasure in his eyes after being woken up, Xuanyuan Yelan didn't say a word, but just glanced at everyone in front of him coldly.

Those indifferent gazes that could almost freeze people made people's hearts tremble with fear.

Hua Qingzhi felt a burst of coldness sweeping over him, which made him tremble uncontrollably, and the way he looked at Xuanyuan Yelan couldn't help but change.

What's happening here?How could there be such a terrifying aura around the man?
Seeing that Xuanyuan Yelan was only in his 20s, Hua Qingzhi couldn't believe that a brat could crush him in terms of aura.

So Hua Qingzhi's face darkened, and he glared at Xuanyuan Yelan coldly and said, "This old man is the third elder of the Holy Medicine Sect. This time, I have come to verify your identities according to the order of the head. You should immediately give your name, age, and identity Report it, don't delay our verification!"

Hearing Hua Qingzhi say that he is the third elder, Xuanyuan Yelan saw that the old man was still wearing flamboyant pink at such an age, like a flower fairy, so it was not difficult to guess the relationship between him and Hua Zhu.

Although he had already guessed that Hua Qingzhi and the others would not let it go, the current situation still exceeded Xuanyuan Yelan's expectations.

After glancing at Hua Qingzhi and then looking away, Xuanyuan Yelan had a premonition in his heart that today's matter might not be so easy to solve.

"My son hasn't got up yet, just wait." After saying this, Xuanyuan Yelan closed the door coldly and directly shut these people out.

Seeing this scene, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, they did not expect Xuanyuan Yelan to be so bold.

Hua Qingzhi was fuming with anger.

This damn attendant knew they were members of the Holy Medicine Sect, yet he still dared to treat them like this?
Angrily, Hua Qingzhi continued to slam the door hard, telling Xuanyuan Yelan to quickly open the door to cooperate with the inspection, without noticing the gloomy Tianying over there.

(End of this chapter)

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