God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2312 Even if you don't die, you have to shed a layer of skin

Chapter 2312 Even if you don't die, you have to shed a layer of skin
This bastard actually planned to beat them with a horsewhip?

Although the poison on this horsewhip is not fatal, it will cause people to be devastated, and they will not be able to sleep for days and nights due to the great pain. A layer of skin.

As if aware of Xia Zishang's gaze, Master Tianlin raised his eyebrows, and asked with a displeased expression, "What kind of gaze is this? I think I will start a lesson from you today, so that everyone will not take what I have said in the future. Take what you say to heart."

Master Tianlin sneered even more while speaking, he raised his brows high, and lashed at Xia Zishang's face with a whip and slammed it down heavily.

Looking at Master Tianlin as if looking at a dead person, Xia Zishang had crushed Master Tianlin to ashes in his heart, but his figure stood there like a pole, motionless.

They finally came here, and they have survived until now, no matter what, they can't give up just because of this little thing.

However, Xia Zishang could bear it, but Xuanyuan Yelan didn't want her to suffer.

Master Tianlin raised his whip high, and Xuanyuan Yelan took a step forward, raising his hand to stop the whip in Master Tianlin's hand.

With a crisp snap, Xuanyuan Yelan grabbed the other end of the whip, and Master Tianlin struggled for a while but couldn't get away.

"Bastard, are you looking for death? Let me go!" Master Tianlin wanted to shake off Xuanyuan Yelan, but he didn't know where the man in front of him got so much strength, so he easily controlled him. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free.

The onmyojis watching around were even more stunned, thinking that they have been serving here for such a long time, and they have never seen anyone who dared to disobey Master Tianlin's order!

For a moment, everyone looked at Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang with strong interest in their eyes, curious to know who these two people are?

You know, in Xinghe Palace, Master Tianlin is a god, everyone must listen to him, and it is normal to be beaten and scolded.

"Master Tianlin, the woman is weak. If the master must punish her, then come at me." Xuanyuan Yelan said in a calm tone, completely calm.

"You are so courageous. Who allowed you to talk to me with such an attitude?!" The angry eyes almost burst into flames, and Master Tianlin's sight seemed to be able to shoot Xuanyuan Yelan through.

If it is an ordinary person, if Master Tianlin takes such a look, he will be frightened and tremble all over.

But who knew that Xuanyuan Yelan not only didn't, but lowered her eyes and gave Master Tianlin a cold look.

Strange to say, it was just a glance, but Master Tianlin trembled in fright, and was almost scared out of his wits!
Looking at Xuanyuan Yelan in disbelief, Master Tianlin couldn't believe that someone would suppress him with arrogance. When he was in a daze, he saw Tianying rushing in with a pale face, "Master Tianlin, follow me quickly!" !"

"Are you Tianying next to the Great Elder?" Tian Lin looked at Tianying suspiciously, and then felt Xuanyuan Yelan's oppressive gaze disappear.

Finally liberated from the fear, when Master Tianlin looked at Xuanyuan Yelan again, he found that Xuanyuan Yelan's expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

But Master Tianlin refused to give up, he still wanted to argue with Xuanyuan Yelan, never thought that Tianying would pull him away.

(End of this chapter)

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