God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2313 Kill Without Amnesty

Chapter 2313 Kill Without Amnesty
"Master Tianlin, I don't have time to say anything else, hurry up and go with me!" Pulling Tianlin vigorously, Tianying said loudly, "This is an order from the master! If you can't arrive in time, the whole Xinghe Palace Everyone will kill without mercy!"

After hearing this, Tianlin finally stopped his struggling movements, and then frowned in confusion, wondering what's going on?
What happened to make you so anxious?
Seeing Master Tianlin being forcibly dragged away, other people in the room began to discuss uncomfortably.

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan took advantage of this opportunity to sneak away from where they were.

Leaving Xinghe Palace blindly all the way, the two came to an empty corridor, Xia Zishang raised her hand and took Xuanyuan Yelan's hand to look carefully, and then saw Xuanyuan Yelan's hand The palm of her hand was covered with blood and flesh, which made her feel so distressed just looking at it, "That damned Tianlin, one day I will make him pay the price."

"Shang'er, you don't need to worry. It's better to say that my injury this time is a good thing." Xuanyuan Yelan said with a serious expression.

After hearing Xuanyuan Yelan's words, Xia Zishang showed a puzzled expression, "How do you say that?"

"When I was in contact with that Tianlin just now, I found that his spiritual power was mixed with a very strange evil spirit, which was exactly the same as the evil spirit on the formation, so it can be seen that there must be an inevitable connection between the two. "

"This is a key clue. Yunyan, let's not worry. The old turtle hasn't come back yet, let's wait for him." Xia Zishang narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "According to what you said, the evil spirit If it belongs to Tianlin, then Tianlin must have other purposes, and we must not take it lightly."

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, and after waiting with Xia Zishang for half a quarter of an hour, he finally saw the figure of the old turtle heading towards their direction in the vast moonlight.

Even though they were far apart, it was not difficult for the two of them to see the serious expression on Old Turtle's face.

Seeing Laobie's expression, it's not hard for the two of them to guess that the development of the matter must be more serious than they imagined!
"Xiaxia, this is a troublesome matter." The old turtle frowned, and his tone was condensed that he hadn't seen in a long time, "According to my observation, the Wanzuo Qianqiu Formation is actually just a cover. It contains too much evil energy. Once the formation is activated, the evil energy will rapidly spread along with the entire barrier, covering the holy medicine city, enough to subvert the entire holy medicine city within a quarter of an hour. At that time, even we It's hard to escape."

"What kind of enmity does this Tianlin and Ji Yongyuan have? They plan to destroy the entire Holy Medicine City as soon as they make a move?" Xia Zishang said in surprise.

Evil Qi, like its name, is an extremely sinister aura, which can be said to be fatal, especially for ordinary people who have no spiritual power.

"Shang'er, do you have a way to break this formation?" Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xia Zishang with concern and said.

Xia Zishang pursed her lips slightly, and finally nodded, "Yes. It's just that the evil spirit in that formation is too strong, so I can't choose to break the formation at night."

"That's right, we'd better choose the time when the yang energy is strongest to break the formation, and the best time is at noon tomorrow. However, we can't wait until that time, so we have to find another way." After taking a deep breath, the old turtle Said.

(End of this chapter)

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