God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2538 Who is scared?I'm so excited!

Chapter 2538 Who is scared?I'm so excited!
However, when Bei Yeting saw this scene, he just snorted indifferently, looking at these people as if he was looking at some unsightly garbage, "A group of ants actually have the guts to act presumptuously in front of me?"

After the words fell, Bei Yeting's figure flashed, and that swift and fierce figure was like a roaring flood beast. His solid body turned into smoke and swept out wildly. He walked around behind these assassins, and he stretched out with one hand. He pierced through the back of the two assassins' hearts at once, and easily pulled out their hearts.

Immediately, blood splashed out, leaving a bloody hole in the back of the two assassins' hearts, and they even fell to the ground in response, rolling their eyes and losing their breath.

Qiu Wan'er looked at this scene in horror, huddled at the foot of the bed, seeing more assassins pounce on Bei Yeting, couldn't help but shouted anxiously, "Husband, be careful!"

The voice of the lady's concern was as sweet as heaven to Bei Yeting, and the moment it sounded, it made him more breathless, and the evil spirit swept out of his body, and the suppression on the blood made the assassins present fearful. Subconsciously stiff, they couldn't successfully turn into smoke, so they could only watch Bei Yeting's palms thrust out like sharp knives, piercing through their hearts one by one, pulling out their bloody hearts.

Pain, piercing pain swept across, these assassins were no match for Bei Yeting.

Seeing this scene, the leading assassin gritted his teeth unwillingly.

The battle between the ghost clan is actually a bloodline fight in disguise. Bei Yeting is a member of the Beiye royal family. As the current regent of the ghost clan, Bei Yeting's strength is naturally extraordinary. His opponent, even in front of him, can only be crushed.

Seeing this scene, the leading assassin with a red cloth wrapped around his arm had no choice but to bear it no matter how annoyed he felt. He turned his head and glanced at his few remaining subordinates, and said loudly, "Let's go!" !"

As soon as the words fell, those assassins came and went in a hurry, like an afterimage, they rushed out like flying.

Seeing this scene, Bei Yeting immediately sneered with disdain, "Oh, want to leave? It's not that easy!"

After finishing the words, Bei Yeting took out the small black and gold whistle that he wore around his neck, and blew it with a single force.

The sharp and clear whistle sounded all of a sudden, and everyone in the palace was alarmed.

And this whistle sound also awakened Qingcheng who was sleeping soundly.

Qingcheng sat up from the bed suddenly, she was in a drowsy sleep, before she even opened her eyes, she hurriedly asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

"Princess, it seems that someone attacked the prince and concubine at night and wanted to assassinate the two!" Mu Xin hurried over, fearing that Qingcheng would be afraid, and said loudly, "Princess, don't be afraid, the prince is powerful, those killers will definitely not kill you!" If you hurt the two of them, don't worry, there are servants with you."

Who knew that Qingcheng directly rejected Mu Xin's consolation. She didn't know where the strength came from. She immediately showed an extremely bright smile and said loudly, "Who is scared? I'm excited." Haha, I have been holding back for several days, and I have never had a chance to try the power of Skyfire, and now I have finally found a live target! Go, go, let's go after those assassins, and practice with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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