God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2539 The princess and prince were assassinated!

Chapter 2539 The princess and prince were assassinated!
After Qingcheng finished saying this with ecstasy, she immediately put on her shoes and socks as quickly as possible, and then her body looked like an unreasonable gust of wind, and rushed out with a whoosh, and soon disappeared trace.

Mu Xin never expected that their princess would not play cards according to the routine at all, and she was completely confused at the moment. When she came to her senses, Qingcheng had already run away. She was so scared that she lifted her skirt and hurried to chase. "Ahhh! I have to be the princess, you can't join in the fun, come back soon!"

It's a pity, regardless of whether Mu Xin was fuming in a hurry, she couldn't stop Qing Cheng, a girl like Qing Cheng, and lost Qing Cheng as soon as she went out.

When Bei Yeting encountered an assassin, Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang also came to the Prince Regent's Mansion together.

There was silence in the palace, and the two of them, dressed in night clothes, were quietly heading towards Changchun Hall where Qingcheng lived.

During the investigation in the afternoon, the two had already learned that the current Qingcheng was renamed Beiye Chunxi, and her title was Princess Chunxi. She disappeared three years ago when she was six years old, but she was finally found again. As soon as he came back, he was loved by the regent and the princess, and he was almost spoiled by heaven, and he was used to lawlessness.

Moreover, it is also because she has been imprisoned for three years since her disappearance, so the princess's body has also been greatly affected, resulting in the princess not growing up in the past three years. She is already nine years old, but her body is still the same as that of a five-year-old. Six-year-olds are no different.

The day Princess Chunxi came back happened to be the day after Qingcheng was abducted to the Nine Nether Netherlands. The time was just right, and her similar appearance made Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang recognize this Beibei Ye Chunxi is actually their abducted daughter.

From the first time she met Qingcheng, she was convinced of this fact. Every time Xia Zishang thought of her daughter, she would feel extremely distressed. She wished she could suffer instead of Qingcheng, and wanted to take her out of this ghost place as soon as possible.

But the two can't be impulsive, because they can see that the current Qingcheng seems to have forgotten them because of some special reasons. They must investigate the truth, otherwise, they can't startle the snake.

Just as the husband and wife were carefully suppressing the aura around them, and walking all the way towards Changchun Hall, a loud whistle suddenly came from the Qiuwan courtyard, and immediately the entire Prince Regent's Palace seemed to be awakened like a male lion. The quiet courtyard suddenly became lively, and the guards and dark guards hurriedly prepared for battle. A swarm of bees rushed out of their rooms, and then headed towards the direction of the Qiuwan Courtyard in one go.

In the mansion, there were even people shouting loudly, "Come on, hurry up, the princess and prince are assassinated!"

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan looked at each other in dismay, and then they both saw the deep puzzlement in each other's eyes.

It's strange that they came in just now, and they didn't meet anyone who could recognize him along the way. It can be seen that the husband and wife have not been exposed, and they don't know what they did, so they suddenly attracted attention. There are so many people chasing and killing. "

It's just that the two of them were not surprised and flustered, but subconsciously felt that this matter had nothing to do with them.

And the facts also proved that the guess of the two people was not wrong at all. The incident this time really had nothing to do with them. Those people were all heading towards the Qiuwan Courtyard.

"I knew it was not us." Xia Zishang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a whistling breath coming towards the two of them!

(End of this chapter)

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