God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2844 The boy named Yun Yu

Chapter 2844 The boy named Yun Yu

Fortunately, Xia Zishang, who found her son, was in a much better mood. She smiled and took her son's limp little hand and said with a smile, "Let's go, we're going back to the palace now."

"Okay." Smiling and agreeing, Yun Yu's uneasy heart returned to normal, and obediently followed Xia Zishang to leave.

After Xia Zishang left with Yun Yu, Xuerong quickly helped Bei Yeting up, and she didn't even forget to apologize, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry fourth prince, I really didn't do it on purpose, you But don't blame the slaves."

Bei Yeting's face was in pain from the beating, but seeing Xuerong nodded and bowed, it was really not easy to argue with Xuerong, so he could only wave his hand lightly, "Forget it, this matter can't be left to you On him, I can only blame this king for being unlucky, because I didn’t know that the little princess was so targeted because her savior was careless.”

"Actually, the little princess didn't intend to target you, the Fourth Prince, Lord, you should calm down." Xue Rong hurriedly said to Bei Yeting, suppressing the emotions in her eyes.

"Xuerong, when did the little princess have such a good friend? You have been serving the princess before, but have you ever seen this boy named Yunyu?" Bei Yeting looked at Xuerong in confusion, curiously asked.

"Actually, I have never seen this young man named Yun Yu before, but you, the fourth prince, know the princess' temper. The princess will never protect a stranger. If you think about it, there must be something wrong with this young man named Yun Yu." It's something special." Xuerong said uncertainly.

"Anyway, that Yun Yu is someone Her Royal Highness values, and Her Royal Highness protects that boy from the bottom of her heart. I think we should be more careful in the future, and don't accidentally provoke that young boy and be reprimanded by the Princess." It's gone." As Bei Yeting said, he didn't forget to raise his hand to touch the wound on his face, and let out a ouch along the way.

"What the Fourth Prince said is true." Xue Rong also lowered her head in agreement, and then hurriedly Bei Yeting caught up with Xia Zishang and Yun Yu who had taken a step ahead.

Here, after Yun Yu got into Bei Yeting's carriage not far away, Xia Zishang backed away, saying that he wanted to give Yun Yu the medicine himself.

Now everyone became more and more sure that Yun Yu was not so important in the hearts of their princesses. No one dared to stop her at the moment, and they all stood some distance away from the carriage to silently protect her.

After getting into the carriage, Xia Zishang took out the ointment and began to help Yun Yu treat the wound.

Yun Yu's injury was serious, there were large and small wounds all over her body, although it was only a flesh wound, it was still shocking to watch.

"Does it hurt?" Xia Zishang said, lowering her head with self-blame, "It's all my mother's fault. If my mother had found out that you were here earlier and came to look for you earlier, maybe this would not have happened. thing."

The most unbelievable thing is that Xia Zishang is sad, Yun Yu quickly looked at Xia Zishang with a bright face and smiled, "Mother, don't be sad, I don't hurt at all, really!"

"Little thing, in front of mother, how can you still be brave? If it hurts, it hurts, if it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. In front of mother, you must tell the truth." Xia Zishang said with a smile.

"Mother, what I said is true. I was in pain at first, but seeing Mother and knowing that Mother is by my side, everything will be fine for me." Yun Yu said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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