God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2845 I was a ghost princess in my previous life

Chapter 2845 I was a ghost princess in my previous life

Yun Yu's words made Xia Zishang feel even more distressed, so she quickly raised her hand and hugged her precious son tightly, hugged him well and said, "Don't worry, you will stay with mother from now on, mother will definitely To take you out of this ghost place."

"Mother, where is this place? Aren't we in the Forgotten City? How did we come here?" Yun Yu looked at Xia Zishang anxiously and said, "Besides, why do those people say that they Are you a member of the ghost tribe? They still call you a princess..."

"Yun Yu, listen carefully. This place is probably a false space. We don't know where your father and the others are at the moment. As for those people who said they were ghosts just now, they are right. They are indeed ghosts. The person, and the mother is also the princess of the ghost clan."

"Oh my god, mother, you are really the princess of the ghost clan?!" Yun Yu was so frightened that her eyes almost popped out, and even her voice couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Keep your voice down." Seeing Yun Yu quickly covering her mouth with her hand, Xia Zishang looked at her son and asked curiously, "Looking at you like this, do you know about the ghost clan?"

Yun Yu nodded like pounding garlic, "Well, I read some in books before. It's just that the master said that children can't read it, so he put that book away."

Seeing Xia Zishang looking at her, Yun Yu smiled, raised her hand and scratched her head in embarrassment, "Of course, although Master stopped me, I still secretly brought the book over, and took a book It's all over."

Xia Zishang couldn't help laughing, "I knew it would be too difficult for the dead head to stop you. Sigh, so you know a lot about the ghost clan?"

"The ghost clan is too mysterious. Although the book introduces some things about the ghost clan, it is very one-sided. I don't know much about it. Hasn't there been a princess for a long time?" Yun Yu looked at her mother in doubt, raised her hand and scratched her head in confusion, and said, "Mother, haven't you been in Taoyuan Village all the time before? How did you become a princess?"

No wonder Yun Yu asked so many questions in one breath, his mother had too many secrets, so that he didn't know what was going on now, so he could only desperately want to get answers from his own mother.

"Don't worry. It's a long story. Mother's life is really just Xia Zishang of Taoyuan Village. Being a princess of the ghost clan is a matter of mother's previous life." Xia Zishang saw Yun Yu's eyes widen. Looking at myself blankly, I guessed that the little fool must have been stunned by what I said, so I touched his head and comforted him, "Anyway, as long as you know whether mother is still mother, as long as mother is in one day , will not let you be bullied by anyone, and will definitely take you out of this space."

Yun Yu was full of puzzlement when she heard Xia Zishang's words and disappeared, she hugged Xia Zishang's soft waist tightly with a smile, and said with a bright smile, "I don't care about other things, anyway, my mother is by my side, I'm relieved."

"So good." Xia Zishang was very pleased, and was about to tell Yun Yu a few words, but suddenly heard a loud bang from not far away.

It was as if thousands of troops were attacking, and the sound of roaring footsteps was deafening, causing the whole earth to tremble and tremble crazily.

"What happened?" Xia Zishang protected Yun Yu with one hand, and opened the car curtain with the other, only to see a scene that shocked her.

(End of this chapter)

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