God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2846 The Beast Tide Strikes

Chapter 2846 The Beast Tide Strikes
Looking around, the smoke billowed in the distance, and there was a loud roar from the monster beasts trampling the ground. The ear-piercing roar of the beast resounded restlessly in the sky. , the speed was astonishingly fast, and it was actually a huge beast tide.

Where the beast horde passed, the trees fell to the ground, and at this moment, the black dragon swept over, and the ear-piercing roar echoed through the sky along with the furious roar, startling a large number of birds.

The frightening hostility emanating from the monster beasts whizzed down like Mount Tai, and the guards with average strength were so startled that their feet went limp, and they screamed in horror, "It's the beast tide, the beast tide is coming! Run!"

"Don't panic, protect the princess!" After Xuerong yelled out this sentence first, she turned her head and looked anxiously at Xia Zishang in the car, "Princess, the beast horde is coming fiercely, run away quickly Bar!"

"Where can we escape at a time like this? Once we are overtaken by the beast tide, even trampling on us is enough to crush us into flesh. It is useless to run away." Xia Zishang said calmly.

"Then we can't wait here to die, come here, quickly take the princess and evacuate here!" Bei Yeting watched the rampant beast horde, seeing where they passed, even the hundred-year-old tree All the trees were pushed down by the tide of beasts that were more than ten meters high. It can be seen that the oncoming force was fierce, and ordinary people simply had no power to resist it!
"Princess, we have to go to a higher place, it's too dangerous here!" Yun Yu was very smart, and knew very well that he couldn't call mother at this time, lest people would find out.

"That's right." Xia Zishang saw a group of mountains not far away. The terrain there was extremely high, but there were no trees around it. It was desolate and the land was dark red. I don't know why. The beasts fled in all directions, but they all deliberately avoided it, as if there was something weird there, and they didn't dare to approach it.

"Princess, we can go there!" Xuerong said, but Xia Zishang did not respond.

The beast horde was getting closer and there was not much time left. Xuerong was covered in cold sweat and turned to look at Xia Zishang, calling anxiously, "Princess!"

Xia Zishang didn't respond. She looked in the direction of the mountains and frowned in embarrassment.

"Let's go, speed up." In the end, Xia Zishang still lowered his eyes indifferently, covering up the coldness that flashed in his eyes, "Quicken up and set off, everyone is moving forward at full speed!"

"Yun Yu, follow me." Xia Zishang picked up Yun Yu on his back, and led him to run towards the mountains at a high speed.

Seeing this scene, Xue Rong and Bei Yeting's eyes intertwined, and after looking at each other, they both saw shock from the bottom of each other's eyes.

The princess valued Yun Yu too much, and she was unwilling to let him go at this critical moment.

Thinking in their hearts, the two of them couldn't make Xia Zishang, who is a princess, tired, so they flew up to take Yun Yu from Xia Zishang's hands quickly, Xue Rong took Xia Zishang, Bei Yeting took Yun Yu, flying like flying rushed out.

The other members of the ghost race quickly followed, and a group of about 20 people ran desperately.

When everyone was running forward at top speed, the animal swarm was also accompanied by thunderous footsteps, and as the earthquake hit, it instantly trampled the carriage left behind by everyone into pieces.

However, all this was just the beginning. The irrational monster sensed the existence of Xia Zishang and his party, and jumped on it like a madman.

(End of this chapter)

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