God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2853 Mother will definitely take you out

Chapter 2853 Mother will definitely take you out

Yun Yu's firm words seemed to give Xia Zishang a shot in the arm, filling Xia Zishang's heart with warmth, and she couldn't help but hug Yun Yu tightly, kissed his little face and said happily, " Don't be afraid, mother will definitely take you out."

Yun Yu nodded and agreed with a smile. The mother and son stood at the crater, feeling the extraordinarily hot fire waves sweeping in and hitting their faces heavily. The dazzling light of the magma could almost burn their eyes. Watching them take a deep breath, both mother and son jumped up at the same time, and jumped towards the magma pool below!

"You two are really lunatics!" Huanyun Beast's distraught voice sounded behind the mother and son, but the mother and son had no intention of paying attention, Xia Zishang tightly protected Yun Yu, and with a loud splash, The two fell into the magma pool at the same time.

Immediately, the five senses were surrounded by magma, and the burning pain that should have come may not come. A warm and comfortable feeling quickly wrapped around the bodies of the mother and child, causing their expressions to change at a speed visible to the naked eye. He opened his eyes and looked at each other excitedly, and then felt a burst of strong light coming from under their feet, their bodies seemed to be dragged and thrown out of the illusion.

The eyes suddenly fell into darkness, and the invisible force pushed Xia Zishang's back all the way forward. With a roar in his ears, Xia Zishang was pushed out instantly, as if a layer of membrane had been pierced. Moved to Xuanyuan Yelan.

The moment her figure passed through the mirror, Xia Zishang's body returned to normal, and after holding Yun Yu in the air for a moment, she fell into Xuanyuan Yelan's arms.

The family of three hugged each other tightly, and the surrounding dark illusion seemed to collapse, disappearing completely, and they returned to the corridor of the palace in an instant.

The surrounding clouds dissipated, and everyone trapped in the mirror also escaped from the mirror's control one by one, and all fell heavily to the ground.

Jingli was the first to hug the two children Qingmo and Qingcheng, while the rest were not so lucky, and fell heavily to the ground at the same time, they all opened their eyes in pain, and then looked around in confusion. After looking around, he asked without knowing what happened, "What's going on? Are we unconscious?"

"Ouch!" The dead man's head fell so miserably that it hit the ground heavily, and the head flew out directly. After rolling on the ground twice, he still looked around in confusion, "This What's the situation? What about the cloud just now?"

"The cloud and mist, isn't it here?" Xuanyuan Yelan watched the surrounding clouds and mist quickly disperse, only a white cloud rushed out like flying, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he raised his hand With a swipe, a thick aura swept out, and the golden hellfire turned into chains, tightly binding the white cloud.

"Ah! It's hot! It's burning me to death! Let me go!" screamed after being scalded by the prison fire, and a large cloud of water vapor rose from the place where the white cloud touched the prison fire. It was the carp that seemed to be dawdling on the ground constantly, and said angrily, "I am the guardian spirit of this palace, if you hurt me, you will suffer retribution...!"

After Xiao Baiyun finished speaking, Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes sharply, and then hit Xiao Baiyun's face with a fist.

(End of this chapter)

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