God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2854 This woman is simply poisonous

Chapter 2854 This woman is simply poisonous


While the clouds and mists were churning, the little white cloud condensed into a little cloud man the size of a baby at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked like an elf. He was struggling hard at this time, desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the prison fire, but But I can't do anything.

"Let go of me! If you don't let me go again, I'll be angry!" Xiaoyunren, no, it should be said that it was the Huanyun Beast roaring angrily.

"You are the Phantom Cloud Beast?" Xia Zishang looked at Xiao Yunren with eyes as if he had discovered a new continent, and then pointed his feet at it without hesitation, and sighed, "It's as good as it is!" It’s a phantom beast from ancient times, it’s really interesting that it can be transformed into a human form.”

After hearing Xia Zishang's sigh, Huanyun Beast was so angry that it almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This woman is simply poisonous. Could it be that the purpose of her lamenting its power is to beat it violently? !
Suspected of being beaten by Xia Zishang three times, five times and twice, Huanyun Beast said bitterly, "Stop beating, stop beating, we have something to discuss."

"Give me back my artifact first!" Yun Yu rushed to the Phantom Cloud Beast with a brisk stride, and said angrily, glaring at the Phantom Cloud Beast.

Qing Mo woke up, heard the words and quickly touched his pocket, and found that the miniature artifact was gone, angrily broke free from Jingli's embrace, and also rushed in front of the Phantom Cloud Beast, "It's you Take our stuff? Hurry up and hand it over."

Huanyun Beast was unwilling to take it out, and it was not until Xia Zishang watched it shake its fist that it finally trembled in fright, and then it did not forget to quibble, "Let's talk first, I It's not stealing, I'm just worried that you lost so many babies, so I kindly want to help you keep them, don't get me wrong."

"I believe in your evil." The dead man's head was directly imprinted on the face of the phantom cloud beast with an iron fist, and he smacked his tongue in disdain, "It's a shame that you are still an ancient phantom beast."

The Phantom Cloud Beast was tightly controlled by the prison fire, even though it was full of reluctance, it couldn't show it, it could only lower its head, revealing a look of resentment.

Seeing the expression of the Phantom Cloud Beast, Xia Zishang asked directly, "I ask you, has anyone passed here before us?"

"Yes." Illusory Cloud Beast seemed to have thought of something angry, its angry eyes almost burst into flames, and it roared angrily, "Just now, there were four brats who confused me with their treasures, and then secretly slipped away from my illusion! But, how do you know those brats? Could it be that you are also their accomplices?"

"It must be people from Wuwumen, they are one step ahead of us." Qu Bailu looked anxious, and hurriedly said loudly, "Quick, we have to speed up, no matter what, we can't let people from Wujimen get the artifact!"

"Where is the artifact?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked coldly at the Phantom Cloud Beast.

When Xuanyuan Yelan was speaking, the prison fire that bound the Phantom Cloud Beast was also tightened a little bit, and the Phantom Cloud Beast, which was burning and was planning to swear to death, let out a scream like killing a pig, and hurriedly roared, "Sacred weapon! , the artifact is right in front of you, you pass the garden all the way, take the path on the right, you will arrive soon, those, those brats are just one step ahead of you, you should catch up now, there should be time..."

(End of this chapter)

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