God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2883 The Dark Crow

Chapter 2883 The Dark Crow

The situation was much better than before, Qingcheng was burnt in a daze due to the high fever, at this time she listened to her father's words and nodded obediently, then closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

After watching Qingcheng fall asleep, Xia Zishang asked anxiously, "When will she have a fever?"

"It's just that the weakness caused by using too much spiritual fire is not a big problem. It will recover soon, so you don't have to worry too much." Seeing Xia Zishang's worry, Xuanyuan Yelan said in relief.

Looking at Qingcheng's drowsy appearance, Xia Zishang nodded silently, "It's fine as long as it's nothing serious."

"Shang'er, Qingcheng, you don't have to worry too much, but that Mr. Lengxie seems to know too many things about you that he shouldn't know." Saying that, Xuanyuan Yelan looked worriedly at the sleeping children.

Not to mention anything else, now Leng Xie already knows about the sky fire in Qingcheng's body and also knows that Qingmo has a yin physique. If the matter is suddenly exposed to the same person, it will inevitably make the couple uneasy.

"Don't be so nervous. You see, since Leng Xie already knows the truth of the matter, logically speaking, he can negotiate with us and threaten us through this matter, but Leng Xie did not do this, but chose to keep Silent, and even helped Qingmo collect so many corpse stones for cultivation because of Qingcheng's injury, it can be seen that he is not a bad person in all likelihood." Xia Zishang narrowed his eyes lightly, "It's just that he People have always been mysterious, not to mention their strength at such a young age, but they still know so much about artifacts, their identity should not be easy."

They are not Qingcheng, of course they will not believe Gong Wuxie's nonsense.

There are not many people in this world who have entered the interior of the artifact. Gong Wuxie knows so much about the interior of the artifact. It is likely because he has also entered the interior of the artifact, and even said that he himself has subdued the artifact. However, what is it? What happened is unknown.

"Tomorrow, let's talk to Leng Xie, maybe we can find the answer." Seeing Xia Zishang's eyes lowered slightly, Xuanyuan Yelan stepped forward and put his arms around her shoulders and said in a comforting voice, "Okay, Don't think about it so much, go to sleep."

Xuanyuan Yelan's comfort reassured Xia Zishang a lot. After nodding, she closed her eyes and lay down cooperatively, her drooping eyes soon fell into a deep muffled sound.

At the same time, in Gong Wuxie's room.

The room was not lit, and Gong Wuxie was sitting in the darkness, the window beside her was completely open, and the icy cold wind poured into the room along with the faint moonlight, making Gong Wuxie's handsome face look even more beautiful. A bit cold, the shallow eyes glanced seemingly casually, almost freezing people.

Slowly drinking the tea in the cup, Gong Wuxie soon heard the sound of flapping wings, raised her slender eyelashes, looked out, and saw a pitch-black crow flapping its wings like flying flying in his direction.

Letting the crow break in through the open window, Gong Wuxie glanced at the crow, her tone was still cold, "Why is it taking so long?"

However, the ordinary-looking crow opened its mouth after hearing the words, and said, "Young master, I'm really sorry, you called too suddenly, and there are no other companions around, so I can only catch up from a distance. Come on, it took a while."

(End of this chapter)

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