God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2884 Both of them are the people we are looking for?

Chapter 2884 Both of them are the people we are looking for?

"The matter this time is not trivial, so I naturally have to call you over to deliver the news." Gong Wuxie glanced at the crow, and said in a condensed tone, "The person we are looking for should have appeared."

Crow's eyes the size of mung beans widened, "Young Master, are you sure? Who is the other party?"

"Empress of Yanbei Kingdom, Xia Zishang." Gong Wuxie paused for a moment, then continued, "And her husband, Emperor of Yanbei Kingdom, Xuanyuan Yelan."

"The young master means that both of them are the people we are looking for?" Crow stared at Gong Wuxie suspiciously and confirmed.

Gong Wuxie nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, if there is no accident, both of them are the people we are looking for. In addition, they have three children, and they should all inherit their children. blood."

"This matter is no small matter. I will bring this matter back to the clan as soon as possible and notify the clan leader." Crow said hastily.

"Father may not know at this time, but the ancestors should already know. Be careful when you go back, and be sure not to say anything. Others in the family are not allowed to come here without my order." Gong Wuxie ordered with a strong attitude. , "Back off."

"Yes." The crow agreed as quickly as possible, and after the words fell, he flapped his wings and flew away.

After watching the crow leave quickly, Gong Wuxie secretly heaved a sigh of relief, closed the window, turned and walked towards her bed to rest.

Early the next morning, Gong Wuxie was awakened by a knock on the door.

Sleepy-eyed got up and put on his shoes to open the door. As soon as Gong Wuxie opened the door, he saw Xia Zishang with a bright smile standing outside his door. His expression froze. Shi Shi blinked and stared at Xia Zishang in surprise, as if he couldn't believe what he saw at this moment.

Xia Zishang was smiling from the beginning to the end, with a faint smile hidden in her brows and eyes, she looked at Gong Wuxie gently and smiled, "Mr. Lengxie, good morning."

"Morning..." Gong Wuxie was a little surprised, a little smile appeared in her eyebrows, and she asked brightly, "Why are you here?"

"Naturally, I came here specially because I wanted to ask Mr. Lengxie something." Xuanyuan Yelan, who was waiting by the side, also took a step forward at this time, looking at Gong Wuxie indifferently and said.

Only then did I realize that Xuanyuan Yelan was also there. Gong Wuxie pursed her lips lightly, and finally swallowed all the things in her mind, and then asked calmly, "You two came early in the morning, But what's the matter?"

"Of course, it's about our children. We have something to say to Mr. Lengxie." Xia Zishang looked at Gong Wuxie, "I don't know how convenient it is now, Mr. Lengxie?"

"Naturally, please come in." After speaking, Gong Wuxie turned sideways to get out of the way.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang entered Gong Wuxie's room one after another. They looked around and found that Gong Wuxie's room looked very elegant at first glance, and was slightly different from their room.

The three of them sat down around the round table, Gong Wuxie poured a cup of tea for them respectively, "Your Majesty and Empress Dowager can speak directly if they have anything to say."

"Of course we came here for the sake of our three children. I think Mr. Wuxie knows something about the situation of our three children, and our husband and wife are here today to ask Mr. Wuxie not to spread the news about these three children. " Xuanyuan Yelan said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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