God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2885 I am willing to keep it secret

Chapter 2885 I am willing to keep it secret

After hearing this, Gong Wuxie didn't hesitate at all, she nodded and agreed, "Yes, I'm willing to keep it a secret."

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan were a little surprised that Gong Wuxie was so decisive. They narrowed their eyes slightly and took a deep look at Gong Wuxie.

Gong Wuxie noticed the unexpected gazes of the two, and the smile on the brows deepened a bit, and she said in a casual tone, "Don't be surprised, you two, what you came to discuss with me is exactly what I planned at the beginning, I have always I don’t have the habit of arresting people and spreading the word. Since we are friends, it’s only natural to keep friends secret. I won’t say anything I shouldn’t, so please rest assured.”

Gong Wuxie is so determined, there is no other unnecessary emotion in those clear eyes, only there is a sincere color, so that people can see at a glance that his every word is from the heart, and the consciousness is half false. meaning.

"In that case, we are too worried." Xia Zishang said with a light smile.

"Being a mother means you have to worry about your children. I can completely understand what the empress is doing, so you don't need to mind." Gong Wuxie said hastily.

"In this case, thank you very much, sir." After Xuanyuan Yelan said this, he looked at Xia Zishang and said, "Shang'er, since we have finished speaking, then we should not continue to delay Mr. Lengxie here. , let’s go back sooner.”

"That's right. Mr. Lengxie, let's take our leave first." With a calm smile on his face, Xia Zishang nodded to Gong Wuxie after saying this, and then left hand in hand with Xuanyuan Yelan .

Seeing that Xia Zishang was about to leave in a hurry, Gong Wuxie wanted to stop her, but she couldn't say a word. In the end, she could only watch the couple leave.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang finally got rid of the boulder that was floating in their hearts. The couple hurriedly prepared breakfast for the children, and went back to the room to wake the children up.

Fortunately, after a good night's rest, Qingcheng's body has also recovered. The three children didn't know what happened. After getting up, they washed and changed their clothes, and they kept asking when they could go back when they were eating.

Seeing the eagerness of the children, Xia Zishang couldn't help but chuckled and said, "What's wrong? You three are homesick so soon?"

After hearing Xia Zishang's ridicule, the three children nodded without exception, their eyes full of eagerness.

"It's been a long time since I came out this time, and I've long wanted to go back." Yun Yu said first.

"Me too, I miss the imperial grandmother." Qingcheng followed up.

"Father, mother, isn't the matter settled? If that's the case, shouldn't we also go back?" Yun Yu looked at the two of them also full of expectation and asked.

"It stands to reason that we should go back, but the matter of the Inorganic Gate has not been resolved yet. Hurry up. Before the city lord urges us, we have to go to the city lord's mansion today. When we come back, we can go back." Xuanyuan Yelan Looking at the three children, "Your mother and I will go to the City Lord's Mansion after breakfast, and the three of you will obediently wait for us to come back in the inn."

"Okay~" Thinking of going home soon, the eyes of the three little buns were filled with smiles that couldn't be dissipated, looking forward to it.

After breakfast, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan left together, while the three little buns couldn't wait to find the three brothers surnamed Chu and Niu Dashuang to play together.

But when the three children went downstairs, they saw a scene that surprised them.

(End of this chapter)

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