Chapter 2886
I saw all the disciples of their Qingxinzong gathered in the hall, Niu Dashuang and the brothers surnamed Chu were also there, and everyone didn't know why they fell into a downturn, and everyone's faces were not very good-looking, which immediately aroused clarity. Mo three people's attention.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Qing Mo asked confusedly to everyone.

"You guys got up, alas, you came just in time, come and see, how unreasonable this man is!" Niu Dashuang said, actively sideways to avoid, and then pulled Chu Yuan to the front of the three, "You guys Look, Chu Yuan was beaten by that bastard!"

The three brothers and sisters saw that Chu Yuan had been beaten, and he was seriously injured. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, which looked very pitiful.

The three brothers and sisters saw their friend hurt like this, and their hearts were raised in their throats, and they all asked eagerly, "What's going on? Who did this?"

"Yes, I was not careful, you don't care about it." Chu Yuan obviously didn't want to say, he hesitated and planned to evade it, and by the way he pulled Niu Dashuang, "Dashuang, don't say it, I didn't Big things, why bother to look for trouble..."

"What do you mean looking for trouble? Chu Yuan, look at you, you have been beaten like this. It's not us who are looking for trouble, but Mu Yan! What kind of thing is he, why should he beat you?!" Niu Dashuang The more he talked, the more angry he became, his eyes were about to burst into flames, "This hatred must be avenged, otherwise what will happen to our Qingxinzong?"

"Mu Yan? His surname is also Mu, who is Mu Huowu?" Yun Yu asked curiously.

"Who else can it be? Mu Yan is naturally Mu Huowu's big brother." Seeing how miserable Chu Yuan was beaten, Chu Jinchuan couldn't bear to say, "That Mu Yan is like a mad dog. Just now we three When I went out, I wanted to buy some gifts to take back, but I saw Mu Yan leading someone to find us..."

Chu Jinchuan clenched his fists angrily, and explained the whole thing in detail.

I think Mr. Yueqing notified everyone this morning that they would leave for Qingxinzong tomorrow, so the three brothers surnamed Chu wanted to take advantage of the last day to go shopping and buy something back.

But how could they have imagined that they were blocked by Mu Yan's leader just as soon as they went to the street, and asked who among them was the one who competed with Mu Huowu.

Originally, Chu Jinchuan and Chu Feng didn't intend to betray Chu Yuan, but Mu Yan was so shameless that he took out a knife and told the truth to dispose of the three of them. Chu Feng voluntarily stood up and was severely punished. Beat up.

"Their people are really shameless! Look at Chu Yuan's body, there are all wounds from their beatings." A strong man like Chu Feng couldn't help but turn red when he saw his good brother injured, and quickly untied his chest clothes, and show everyone Chu Yuan’s wounds.

Seeing everyone was startled, only then did they realize that the wound on Chu Yuan's body was shocking. Blood and bruises spread all over his body, and there was hardly a piece of good flesh on his body.

"Chu Yuan, you are hurt too badly." Yun Yu hurriedly stepped forward, raised her hand to sweep over Chu Yuan's ribs, and then the expression on that pretty little face suddenly changed, "Your ribs are broken , you are still standing like a normal person? Hurry up with me, and I will help you heal."

"I'm really, cough cough, I'm really fine..." While Chu Yuan was speaking, he suddenly coughed violently, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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