God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2899 Ghost Clan Prince

Chapter 2899 Ghost Clan Prince
As for Yunluo's words, the expressions of Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan changed at the same time.

"Don't worry, sit down and speak slowly." Xuanyuan Yelan watched Yunluo, and then watched Xia Zishang pull Yunluo to sit down.

"The one who came to our palace this time was a prince from the ghost clan. He wanted to see His Majesty and the Empress by name. After hearing that you two were not there, they stayed in the palace very stubbornly. We are worried that there is something wrong with them. Good intentions, so I didn't dare to forcibly drive them away, so I can only come here first and ask what your majesty and empress mean." After Yunluo finished speaking, she told them some details verbatim.

"The prince of the ghost clan told me why he wanted to find us?" Xia Zishang frowned, looked at Yunluo suspiciously and asked.

Yunluo quickly shook her head, "Of course we asked the prince of the ghost clan why he came here. However, although the prince of the ghost clan looks easy to get along with, he is actually a ruthless character. Let us inquire. Still can't find out any useful information, and he is arrogant and doesn't want to talk to us more, we can't find out, and we don't dare to force it."

"Could it be that our going to the ghost clan was discovered?" Xia Zishang raised her eyebrows, looked at Xuanyuan Yelan, and asked for his opinion.

Xuanyuan Yelan fell silent thoughtfully, "It's hard to say. At that time, the people of the ghost clan thought that we killed Bei Yeting. If they really investigated us, they shouldn't be so polite. "

"By the way, where's the queen mother?" Other things are easy to say, Xia Zishang can even bear the ghost clan going to the palace to wreak havoc, but Yun Suxian can't have any accidents.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty and Your Majesty, the sudden visit from the ghost clan made us very uneasy, so we moved the Queen Mother to a safe place early." Yunluo said quickly.

"In this way, the current people of the ghost clan are considered safe?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked again.

"Forget it...they really didn't do anything special, but Mr. Si Jin seems to be very nervous, and now he follows the prime minister all day. It's strange to say that when the prince of the ghost clan meets someone, his attitude is very different. It's not bad, but it seems that he and Mr. Sijin are at odds, and the two of them will not live in peace when they meet." Yunluo couldn't help sighing when she said this.

Xia Zishang was not surprised by this, and continued to ask, "What about my master?"

"Master Lu also left after you and your master left. I don't know where he went. He hasn't returned to the palace until now, so he has never met anyone from the ghost clan." Yunluo continued to reply obediently.

"The people from the ghost clan must have a purpose for coming here this time. It seems that we have to go back to meet them as soon as possible, so as not to cause any serious problems." Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xia Zishang, "Otherwise, I will go back first, and you stay here with me children?"

Xia Zishang shook her head without thinking, "How can I rest assured that you go back alone? We have to take the children with us, otherwise I will miss them if I leave them here."

Now that all the forces are watching, Xia Zishang is of course worried about leaving the children like this. From this point of view, he has no choice but to wrong them and not allow them to stay here for two more days.

"Okay, then I'll go and inform the children." After Xuanyuan Yelan said this, she got up and left the room.

(End of this chapter)

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