God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2900 Prince Zhen

Chapter 2900 Prince Zhen

Seeing the tiredness hidden between Yunluo's brows, Xia Zishang quickly comforted her, "Yunluo, take a good rest in the room first, and call you after we pack our luggage."

"Yes, thank you for your compassion." Yunluo spent more than two days, day and night, and because there were no flying luan beasts, so she had to go through several space wormholes to come here with difficulty. She had been tense all the time, but now that she finished what she had to say, the heart that had been hanging in her throat was finally relieved, and the fatigue that had been suppressed for a long time came to her door, so Yunluo couldn't care about other things now, just I want to have a good sleep.

After getting up and leaving the room, Xia Zishang hurriedly packed her luggage.

Here, when the children heard the news that they had to leave immediately, they were all extremely depressed and didn't want to leave.

But now there is no other way, the children can only be obedient, and follow to pack their luggage honestly. After the family has been busy for more than an hour, they bid farewell to the Qingxinzong people, and took the packed luggage together. Take the flying luan and leave.

Day and night passed quietly.

On the third day when the morning light first emerged, the flying luan landed steadily on the open space in the palace.

"Jie—!" After landing, he shook the feathers on his body, and the flying luan beast obediently lowered its body, and its huge wings were like a slide leading to the ground.

After a bumpy day and night, they finally arrived home. When the husband and wife brought their children down from the Feiluan Beast, they noticed a special kind of deep gaze, faintly flowing back and forth between the two of them, as if full of love. It seemed to be cautious and uncertain, and it seemed very cautious.

Following this line of sight towards its owner, the couple quickly saw the man standing not far away, observing the two of them.

It was a man who looked to be in his early twenties, with a gentle face, a very fair complexion, faintly visible blue blood vessels, and a gentle temperament like a spring breeze blowing on his face, one could not help being attracted by his smile, could not help but Look at him more often.

This kind of man who looks like a gentle spring breeze makes people really unable to imagine that he is actually a member of the ghost clan who is cast aside by the world.

Walking forward with a bright smile, Zhenqin Dynasty bowed deeply to the two of them, "See Your Majesty, see Empress Empress, this time, Prince Zhen of the Ghost Clan, this time represents the current king of our clan, come to see the two bit."

Both of them looked at Prince Zhen, and didn't give him any big reaction for a while, they watched him indifferently, their eyes wandered away from him.

On the contrary, the Prince Zhen couldn't help showing a brighter smile when he saw Xia Zishang, "Empress, speaking of it, the regent who died before was also my uncle, so the relationship between me and my empress is not normal. .”

Although Prince Zhen didn't say it clearly, Xia Zishang still understood.

In terms of seniority, Bei Yeting is actually her uncle. Since Bei Yeting is also Prince Zhen's uncle, it means that this Prince Zhen is her nominal cousin.

"Among my brothers and sisters, I had the best relationship with my empress. I don't know if my empress still remembers it?" Prince Zhen seemed to recall the good times, and looked at Xia Zishang expectantly and asked.

Xia Zishang's attitude was very cold, but he just glanced at Prince Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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