God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2904 I'm afraid you will regret it

Chapter 2904 I'm afraid you will regret it

"Ah!" Xia Zishang, who suddenly jumped into the air, was taken aback, and subconsciously raised her hand to hug Xuanyuan Yelan's neck, only to meet his eyes.

Seeing her blushing face reflected in Xuanyuan Yelan's deep eyes, Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes rippling with water, "What are you going to do?"

"You'll know soon." Saying that, Xuanyuan Yelan held Xia Zishang in his arms, and the two headed towards the side hall.

Xia Zishang was so weak that she couldn't lift up any strength, and was still dazed when she was carried all the way to the main hall by Xuanyuan Yelan.

"Shang'er, if you don't come down now, I'm afraid you will regret it." Xuanyuan Yelan's smiling voice seemed to come from a distance, and Xia Zishang opened his eyes in confusion when he heard it, and ended up with Sanyuan The eyes of the little bun that concealed gossip met.

"Wow, Fairy Daddy, Mother, you are really loving!" Qingcheng said enviously, and when she spoke, she didn't forget to wink at Xia Zishang with a smirk.

Xia Zishang felt ashamed for a moment, as if she had been scalded, she jumped out of Xuanyuan Yelan's arms, but she didn't expect that the movement was too big, and she accidentally touched the wound on her waist, and the corner of her mouth twitched in pain.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, do you still have the face to smile? It's not because of you!" Xia Zishang said angrily, staring at Xuanyuan Yelan.

"Okay, it's all my fault. I know you have worked hard, so I specially asked the imperial dining room to cook your favorite dish. You can sit down quickly." Taking the initiative to help Xia Zishang open the stool, Xuanyuan Yelan started from the beginning. In the end, he was all smiling, and when people looked at him, they could clearly feel that he was in a good mood.

"What happened? You seem to be in a good mood." Xia Zishang asked curiously.

"Of course Daddy is in a better mood. Mother, that prince took the initiative to leave early this morning. Without that annoying ghost, Daddy's mood will naturally be better." Yun Yu said.

"Prince Zhen is gone?" Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan nodding, Xia Zishang was very surprised, "I thought that according to Prince Zhen's temperament, he would have to rely on us for a while before he would leave."

"I don't know the specific situation. It seems to be an order from Bei Yehua. Anyway, he has already left this morning." Xuanyuan Yelan sat next to Xia Zishang, picking up vegetables for her and the children, "However, I don't think the ghost clan will let it go so easily."

(End of this chapter)

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