God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2905 The Heavenly Palace

Chapter 2905 The Heavenly Palace
"Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, there will always be a way." When Xia Zishang was speaking, Wangcai's voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Master, come to the pawnshop after you're done. I have something very important to tell you." Wangcai's voice was unprecedentedly dignified, and he fell silent after he finished speaking.

Xia Zishang had never heard Wangcai talk to her in such a condensed voice, and he asked a few questions in his heart, but Wangcai only said to let Xia Zishang come over as soon as possible, and talk to her face to face if he had anything to say.

But I have never seen Wangcai like this before. Xia Zishang was not in the mood to eat at the moment. After eating two bites in a hurry, she got up and left, found a quiet room, locked the door, and walked into the pawn shop of the Three Realms .

Unlike in the past, as soon as Xia Zishang entered the Three Realms pawnshop today, he felt a burst of refreshing spiritual power rushing towards his face, and even the surrounding scene changed.

The fog around the Three Realms pawn shop has completely dissipated. Looking around, you can see the peerless beauty of the fairy world at a glance. Qionglou Yuyu, mountains and mountains, a scene full of vitality in spring, all kinds of fairy palace shops around are dizzying, the most dazzling of them Of course, it is the Xiaoyao Tiangong, which is located in the clouds in the distance. It is among the overlapping clouds, like a bright pearl, shining brilliantly.

"This is the fairyland..." Looking at the scene in front of her in surprise, Xia Zishang was first surprised, then ecstatic!

The current pawn shop of the Three Realms is what it should have been. It is located in the fairy world, and the four seasons are like spring.

And the Fairy Palace shops surrounding the pawnshop of the Three Realms, and even the Tiangong in the distance, were scenes she was used to seeing before, looking at them now, she just felt very nostalgic.

"Hee hee, congratulations master, the fog around the Three Realms pawn shop has finally been unraveled." Wang Cai's voice sounded unexpectedly behind Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang turned around, just in time to see the cute Wangcai who looked like a doll, and then rushed forward in three steps and two steps, grabbed Wangcai's little hand, and rubbed his little head, "You, you, you were looking for me in such a hurry just now. I thought something serious happened, so I hurried over in fright."

"Hee hee, master, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, so you can unblock it. This is a great thing. Of course, I can't wait to share it with the master. Of course, I also have other important things to tell the master. At the end of Wangcai's speech, the originally happy smile froze for a moment, and the drooping eyes covered the solemnity released from those big eyes.

Xia Zishang's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his hand to clasp Wangcai's shoulder, leading him to continue walking forward, "Don't worry, let's go back to the pawn shop first, and then talk slowly."

Wangcai and Xia Zishang held hands, and when the master and servant returned to the pawnshop together, Wangcai twisted his face into a ball, "Master, in fact, this time the seal is still released earlier than I thought, otherwise it would be normal , Master, you should have to wait for a year and a half."

"The seal won't be released suddenly for no reason. Is something wrong?" Xia Zishang asked curiously, observing Wangcai's expression.

"Yes...Master, just three days ago, a group of people broke into the Heavenly Prison to wreak havoc and released those heinous prisoners in the Heavenly Prison. The world of the Three Realms must be in chaos soon!" Wang Cai sighed. With a serious tone, he said, "The reason why the Jade Emperor untied the seal in advance is to ask the master to help the fairy world to recover the criminals and prisoners who escaped from heaven as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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