God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2913 Old cat mother-in-law

Chapter 2913 Old cat mother-in-law
Even if a criminal is devoured, the power contained in the summoning bell will multiply, so they must hurry up, and after catching the criminal, they can ease the current deadlock.

After the discussion, Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang left the Prime Minister's Mansion to investigate separately from Sijin.

That night, as the moonlight was getting thicker, there was a burst of laughter from the young master's room in the backyard of Duke Qing's mansion.

"Mother, I still want to listen to the story, can you tell me the story of the twelve zodiac signs?" In a warmly decorated room, a woman is sitting on the bed with her arms around a four or five-year-old boy. , the little boy had a pair of extremely beautiful big eyes, a cinnabar mole in the corner of the eye, raised his white and tender face, and asked the beautiful woman in front of him softly.

"Yu'er, listen to mother, go to bed early, it's getting late, if you still want to hear the story, mother will tell you tomorrow night." The young Mrs. Qing's wife Su kissed Kiss his son's little face, "Be good, be obedient."

"Then, then I will eat the hand-rolled noodles made by my mother tomorrow morning." The little boy bargained.

"You child, there are so many cooks in the house who are not in use, why do you always want to tire your mother?" Outside the door, Duke Qing came to look for his wife, but when he heard his son's words, he pushed the door and entered, helpless He shook his head and said.

However, although Qing Guogong's words contained resentment, but at the same time he felt sorry for his wife, Qing Guogong looked at his son with eyes full of pampering.

"Hee hee hee, that's because the hand-rolled noodles made by the cook in the kitchen are not as delicious as the ones made by mother." The young master said, shaking his arm with Mrs. Qing's wife, coquettishly, "Mother, is it okay?"

"Okay, okay, mother will promise you whatever you want." After lovingly raising her hand and scraping her son's nose, Mrs. Qing Guogong stood up, covered her son with the quilt, and did not forget to kiss his little one. Face, "Remember to sleep obediently. If you don't sleep, the old cat mother-in-law will come and catch you and take you back as a kitten. Then you will never see your parents again."

"Mother, don't scare me. I know there is no such thing as an old cat mother-in-law. They are all deceitful." The young master raised his face proudly as he spoke.

"Then you have to sleep obediently and obediently, good boy, and close your eyes quickly." Qing Guogong said, walked up to gently touch his son's face, and saw that the child closed his eyes obediently, and then talked with him. His wife smiled at each other, and the two left the room lightly.

When the two left, they took the oil lamp on the table with them. After the two left and closed the door, there was only darkness left in the huge room.

He didn't feel tired at first, but when his father and mother left, the young master's repressed drowsiness swept over him, and soon swallowed his consciousness, causing him to fall into a deep sleep in a daze.

I don't know how long I slept, but in my sleep, the young master heard the sound of someone walking up and down on the roof of his room.

Puzzled and opened his eyes, the young master listened carefully to the voice, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

It didn't sound like human footsteps, but more like the footsteps of some kind of beast. When walking, the cold claws kept rubbing against the bricks and tiles, sizzling, and the hairs on the listeners stood on end, full of discomfort.

"Hmm... so sleepy." The little boy didn't want to answer, turned over and continued to sleep on the bed, without noticing that bloody evil spirit suddenly rose in the room he was in.

(End of this chapter)

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