God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2914 Good boy, are you afraid?

Chapter 2914 Good boy, are you afraid?


The frightening cat's meowing suddenly spread a long distance in the cold night, like needles piercing into the little boy's ears, the little boy frowned in fright, hummed softly and covered his head with the quilt.

However, the meowing intensified.

"Meow, meow, meow——!" The horrifying cry sounded like a dying baby's cry, hoarse, but hidden with a horrified hostility, the sharp and continuous intrusion into the little boy's mind, It made him break out in a cold sweat, facing the wall in the bed, and felt that someone seemed to be standing behind him and looking at him. It felt like a sharp edge was on his back, which made his hair stand on end.

Subconsciously, the young master thought of the old cat mother-in-law his mother had just told him about.

Swallowing his throat uncomfortably, the young master said tremblingly, "Come on, come on...!"


Before the young master could finish his sentence, a gust of evil wind echoed along with the meowing of a cat, like a cat's cold and sharp claws sweeping across his neck, the young master got up in fright, and turned his head to look into the room.

His eyes had already adapted to the dark environment, and the little boy broke out in a cold sweat. He looked at the empty room in front of the bed in fear.

However, there was nothing, only him in the huge room.

"Scared me to death..." The little boy let out a sigh of relief, propped his little hand on the bed, and then patted his chest with the other hand. The cold and rough hand was like a dry skin covered with ice. The branch held his wrist tightly.

"Good boy, are you afraid?" The old and gloomy voice sounded accompanied by a sly smile, which made the young master's back tremble with fright. He turned his head to look at the vacant seat in his bed, and immediately met the old woman's pair of hands that glowed in the dark. cat's eye.

"Ah...!" The young master was so frightened that tears flowed down his face, he opened his mouth, and the old woman grinned wide and hiccupped.

The belch turned into a puff of smoke, curled up in the air and condensed into a mouse shape, followed the little boy's breath and entered his mouth.

Immediately, the young master's face turned blue and purple, and he fell down on the bed foaming at the mouth.

Outside the door, the guards in charge of protecting the young master had heard the movement, anxious footsteps quickly approaching the direction of the room.

"Oh, why is there a mole here?" The old woman stretched out her black nails, which were as long as two knuckles, and pierced the young man's eyes, then forcibly dug a hole in it, and wiped his cinnabar The mole was dug out, and the blood and flesh were thrown on the bed, and he smiled ferociously, "Okay, this looks good!"

"Master, are you alright?!" The guards rushed over anxiously, wanting to break through the door while speaking.

Seeing this scene, the old woman sneered twice, raised her hand to wrap around the young master's neck, and left the room quickly.

At the same time, the guards felt that something was wrong, and knocked open the door with a loud noise, but the room was empty, and there was no sign of the young master, except for a piece of his flesh and bright bloodstains left on the bed.

The guards were shocked and screamed in a hurry, "Quick! Come quickly, the young master is gone!"

Early the next morning, before dawn, the news that the young master of the Qing family had been robbed spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital like a spring breeze.

The current Duke of Qing is only 30 years old this year. He has not long inherited the position of Duke.

(End of this chapter)

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