God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2918 The evil here is the heaviest in the whole mansion

Chapter 2918 The evil here is the heaviest in the whole mansion
"That's natural. Steward Huo, you ask your subordinates to prepare more things, and then arrange for two people to take Granny Li back. During this time, you are now serving in the charity nunnery to share the worries of Granny Li." Xia Zishang said.

Butler Huo quickly agreed, and Mrs. Li was even more grateful and watched Xia Zishang leave.

Immediately after that, they rushed to Duke Qing's mansion as quickly as possible. Duke Qing and his wife were flattered by Xia Zishang's arrival, and they went out to greet him.

When Xia Zishang stood at the door, Qing Guogong and his wife and their subordinates respectfully bowed to Xia Zishang, "I see the empress, the empress is blessed and safe."

"Duke Qing and Madam, please come." Xia Zishang looked at the two of them gently and smiled, "I came here today not for anything else, but to investigate the loss of the young master. About I also deeply regret this matter, and will definitely do my best to find the young master."

Duke Qing's wife's eyes were red and swollen. Just by looking at them, one would know that she must have shed tears for her lost son. At this moment, tears were full of tears because of Xia Zishang's words, and she choked up and directed Xia Zishang knelt down, "Thank you, empress, my wife is at ease with her words."

All the people in Yanbei Kingdom, who didn't know that their empress had great powers, and now that the empress's words were there, hope could not help but rise in the hearts of the husband and wife who had turned into ashes.

"Your Majesty, you came here to investigate this matter in person this time. Could it be that the one who kidnapped Yu'er was not a human, but a monster?" Qing Guogong asked anxiously.

If it was an ordinary abduction and kidnapping case, the yamen should have come to investigate, and Xia Zishang went there in person, which represented her status as a national teacher, so this matter was unusual, so it could be seen that the murderer was not necessarily an ordinary person.

Xia Zishang heard Duke Qing's question full of uneasiness, and looked up at Duke Qing's mansion, "Nine out of ten."

"Your Majesty is really powerful, I don't know how you can see it?" Duke Qing asked eagerly.

"Although the Duke and Madam can't see it, in my opinion, there is a lot of evil spirits lingering in your house. It seems that some evil spirits have visited your house, so that's why it is like this." Xia Zishang looked solemn, "However, the details What is the situation, I still have to go to the little prince's room to have a look before I can draw a conclusion."

"Yes, yes, empress, please this way." The couple did not dare to hesitate, and quickly made a gesture of invitation to Xia Zishang, and then brought Xia Zishang in respectfully.

Following the couple all the way through the door, Xia Zishang quickened her pace by three points, walked through the long corridor, and came to the room where the young master lived in the backyard.

Before entering the door, Xia Zishang clearly felt a stronger evil spirit sweeping from the room. The strong breath seemed to be able to crush people, with a heavy feeling, different from Yin Qi, and even more different from evil spirits. The evil spirit, like a turbid mist, was stuck in her throat.

"The evil spirit here is the heaviest in the whole mansion." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she opened the door calmly and entered.

The husband and wife followed closely behind, all nervously watching Xia Zishang's beautiful figure.

As soon as he stepped into the room, an unpleasant chill came over his face.

Seeing the black evil spirit wafting in the air, Xia Zishang sniffed it lightly, and found something strange.

(End of this chapter)

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