God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2919 Why is there a bloody smell in the air?

Chapter 2919 Why is there a bloody smell in the air?

"Why does the smell of blood remain in the air?" Xia Zishang looked at the couple curiously and asked, sure that she was not mistaken.

Hearing the words, the husband and wife seemed to have been poked into a sore spot, and lowered their eyes in pain.

"Your Majesty, the smell of blood in this room is because Yu'er was injured before he was abducted. The person who abducted Yu'er did not know why he dug out the mole under Yu'er's eye..." When the madam said this, she felt extremely distressed, and now she leaned on her husband's arms and wept in pain.

"We don't know why the murderer would do such a horrific thing. We just pity our son. It is really heartbreaking for us as parents to suffer such torture at such a young age." Duke Qing was full of worry and uneasiness. He asked, "Mother, you said that the murderer hurt Yu'er as soon as he came up, and now he takes Yu'er away, will it get worse?"

Duke Qing and his wife don't care about anything, they only care about whether their son can come back safely, as for other things, they are no longer important.

Xia Zishang saw that the husband and wife were looking at her helplessly, even if he couldn't bear it, he couldn't point it out, so he could only avoid the seriousness and said, "I can't be sure now, but if the murderer aimed If it is the young master's life, then there is no need to bother to kidnap him at all, but he will be killed here directly. Since the murderer is not there, it can be seen that the murderer must have some other purpose in kidnapping the young master. It should still be safe."

Seeing the husband and wife nodding repeatedly, Xia Zishang asked, "I heard from my butler Huo that you didn't find any evidence at the scene?"

"It can be said that..." Qing Guogong looked a little hesitant.

"Duke, this matter is very important, any weak clues can be the key to rescue your son." Xia Zishang immediately reminded.

"The empress's heart, of course I have no intention of hiding it, I just hesitated just now whether what we know is a clue, but since the empress has said so, of course we are willing to cooperate with you." He took out a palm-sized glazed box, and a smear of bright red could be seen faintly in the box, "I don't want to offend my mother. My mother, this is the small piece of meat that Yu'er dug up, and some hair was stained on it."

"Hair? Is it white cat hair?" Xia Zishang's eyes lit up, and she asked hastily.

Duke Qing stopped opening the box, shook his head without thinking, "No, it's black hair, it looks like cat hair."

"Black cat fur?" At first, he thought he had found the common ground between the two cases, but Xia Zishang stopped without this clue, and then watched Qing Guogong open the box with a puzzled expression, revealing the A piece of meat the size of a fingertip.

Ignoring the bloody smell coming towards his face, Xia Zishang found that the meat was really stained with some black cat fur.

Seeing Xia Zishang's puzzled eyebrows, Mrs. Qing Guogong couldn't help but feel a little worried, so she asked cautiously, "Empress, why do you show such an expression? Could it be that there is something wrong with these cat hairs?" place?"

"In fact, another case happened last night. Mrs. Li from Charity Nunnery brought her children to the Duke's Mansion to thank him and stayed at the inn. Who would have thought that Mrs. Li came together today and found that the children were all gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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