God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2920 Someone must be doing tricks on purpose

Chapter 2920 Someone must be doing tricks on purpose

"How could such a thing happen..." Mrs. Qing's wife widened her eyes in surprise, and said with a surprised expression, "I have heard about that Mrs. Li for a long time. I heard that she is a hard-working person. There are so many good things, and the children in Charity Nunnery are even better than their own grandmothers, how could such a thing happen?"

"This murderer is too rampant!" Duke Qing rolled his eyes angrily, "Empress Empress, there is no such coincidence in this world. Someone must have intentionally caused trouble in this matter! The murderer must also be the same gang!"

Originally, they thought that there was only one murderer, but now it seems that this rampant gangster is very likely to commit crimes in a gang, so they will become even more lawless!

"But I found that it was pure white cat fur at Mrs. Li's side, not black." Xia Zishang said, reaching out her hand, "I wonder if you two can cooperate and give this box to me for safekeeping. Study it carefully."

"Of course." Qing Guogong gave the small box to Xia Zishang without saying a word, and boldly guessed, "Madam, do you think the mortals this time will be two cat demons, one black and one white? And they Last night, they acted separately and abducted the children?"

"I think what the master said makes sense, otherwise, how could there be cat hair left on the scene." Madam also agreed.

Compared to the excitement of the two, Xia Zishang looked very calm, and only snorted thoughtfully when he heard the words, but did not agree, "That may not be the case."

When Duke Qing and his wife saw Xia Zishang's worried face, their hearts that were already hanging in their throats were raised in an instant. Both husband and wife watched Xia Zishang anxiously. Since she was thinking quietly, no one dared to interrupt her train of thought without authorization.

Actually, Qing Guogong's guess is not completely unreasonable, maybe the matter is really as what Qing Guogong guessed, it is a ghost of two black and white cat demons working together.

But Xia Zishang didn't know what was going on, and such an idea came to her mind, and an invisible voice in her heart was ringing the bell for her, telling her that things were definitely not that simple.

"These two cases look very similar, but there are still some differences. I have to go back first and make a conclusion after I think about it carefully." The man arched, "I will come here first about this matter. When I get any information, I will come over and tell you as soon as possible. Please rest assured."

"Yes, empress, you need to worry about the affairs of the harem. You must take care of your body." The husband and wife looked at Xia Zishang and warned with concern.

"I will. Then I will take my leave first." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she was escorted out by Qing Guogong and his wife, and left Qing Guogong's mansion.

Outside the gate of Duke Qing's mansion, Housekeeper Huo, who had arranged for Mrs. Li, drove over, "Master, this subordinate has brought the carriage. I wonder if you are going back to the palace, or...?"

"Go to the prime minister's mansion, I have to go to Sijin." I always felt that this matter was inextricably linked to the criminals who escaped from heaven, so Xia Zishang decided to go to Sijin and discuss it with him. this matter.

Especially after going to Duke Qing's mansion, she also found other strange things.

(End of this chapter)

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