God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2921 Ghost Register

Chapter 2921 Ghost Register

First burying his confusion deep in his heart, Xia Zishang got into the carriage, let the wheels of the carriage drive forward quietly, and soon arrived at the prime minister's mansion where Sijin was.

The servants of the mansion first invited Xia Zishang and Butler Huo into the hall together, and then served tea and refreshments. Si Jin strode over, looked at Xia Zishang and Butler Huo and smiled, "Why are you here at this hour? gone?"

"Have you heard about what happened in the city?" Xia Zishang asked, looking at Si Jin puzzled.

Sijin showed an expected expression, sat down next to Xia Zishang calmly, and said lightly, "I guessed that you must have come to me because of this matter. I also heard that That's right, the young master of Duke Qing's mansion is lost, I wanted to go and have a look, but you came here first."

"I've already visited it just now, and what's more, the accident happened not only at Duke Qing's mansion, but also at the Charity Nunnery on the outskirts of the city." Xia Zishang said hastily.

Puzzled by Xia Zishang's words, Si Jin frowned suspiciously, "Charity Nunnery? Isn't that a place to help orphans? What does it have to do with today's events?"

"The thing is like this..." Xia Zishang quickly told Sijin everything that happened in the charity nunnery verbatim.

"These two things are indeed strange, Zishang, do you suspect that this incident was done by the fugitives?" Si Jin's eyes turned and fell on Xia Zishang faintly.

"Although these two cases look similar to yours, according to the evidence I found at the scene, they are still different." Xia Zishang said, taking out both of her own evidence and handing it to Sijin, "First of all, what was found in the inn was white cat fur, and the Duke of Qing's mansion found black cat fur. In addition, I didn't find any bad smell in the inn, but the evil spirit in the Duke of Qing's mansion is so rampant. problematic."

Xia Zishang went to Duke Qing's mansion just now, and the biggest doubt was that he couldn't figure out why the evil spirit in Duke Qing's mansion was so strong, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. In contrast, there was nothing at the inn , the aura remaining in these two places is too different.

"Even if you ask me about this, it's hard for me to come up with an answer." Sijin was also lost in thought, and her fingertips slowly swept across the cup, her movements seemed calm, and she continued in a calm tone, "I think we might as well investigate these two cases together first, the effect should be better."

After saying this, Si Jin seemed to remember something, looked at Xia Zishang and said, "By the way, take out your ghost register and see if there are any clues about the black and white cat demon on it." .”

"Isn't Mr. Sijin this thing called the ghost register?" Steward Huo is Xia Zishang's confidant, and he doesn't know much about the heavenly prison. He only knows that a group of vicious fugitives fled to the world, and their country Naturally, the master's office has to inquire about the news for the sake of the master.

However, Sijin seems to have more to do with this matter, so Steward Huo was surprised that Sijin didn't have that thing called a ghost register.

After listening to Butler Huo's question, Si Jin showed a speechless expression on his face, as if he was very resentful at this time, and then sighed heavily, "I want it too, but this The ghost roster is very rare, so far there is only such a book in the Three Realms, and it is in Zishang's hands."

(End of this chapter)

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