God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2922 I can't live up to the expectations of my superiors

Chapter 2922 I can't live up to the expectations of my superiors
Mentioning this matter, Si Jin said with a light smile, "So, this time I am in charge of assisting Zishang, and the higher-ups value Zishang more than me."

Knowing exactly what Sijin called the upper part, Xia Zishang smiled slowly, "Since the superior trusts me so much, then I can't live up to the superior's expectations of me."

After the words fell, Xia Zishang quickly took out a pitch-black bamboo slip from her sleeve cage.

The pitch-black bamboo slip exuded extremely strong energy. At this time, with Xia Zishang's spiritual power urging, the almost terrifying aura contained in the bamboo slip was like a tide, and the seal that had originally sealed the bamboo slip was urged. As soon as it moved, the bamboo slips opened with a clatter, and a large amount of blood was printed on it. Looking around, a piece of quaint text jumped out of it from time to time, with a faint smell of blood mixed in.

"Among the people who escaped this time, is there a black and white cat demon?" When Xia Zishang spoke, he immediately mobilized a large amount of spiritual power and poured it into the bamboo. , The dazzling blood-colored light illuminated the entire room, and then the blood-colored light gathered together, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a big "no" was condensed in midair.

However, seeing this, Xia Zishang also felt that most of the spiritual power in his body had been absorbed, so he quickly put away the ghost list.

Staring fixedly at the ghost roster in his hand, Xia Zishang felt lingering fear in his heart.

Just now she only manipulated the ghost register for such a short time, and the ghost register released such a terrifying aura, as if it greedily swept away her spiritual power, devouring her spiritual power quickly .

"Using this ghost roster must consume too much energy, right?" Huo Butler saw this scene, and the muscles at the corners of his lips twitched involuntarily.

The strength of Xia Zishang, Huo Steward can be said to be quite aware of, even if the master uses the ghost register, half of his spiritual power will be swallowed up, let alone others.

"Using the ghost register is extremely energy-intensive. If we talk about this, it is actually not a big deal, but the most important thing is that this time we have expended our energy but still can't find anything. There is no ghost register on the ghost register." There are records about black and white cat demons." Sijin was a little worried, and boldly guessed, "You said, could it be that our direction is wrong? Perhaps, from the very beginning, the matter of this cat demon has nothing to do with those fugitives. It doesn't matter?"

There are so many demons and ghosts in this world, and not all of them have escaped from the heavenly hell. Perhaps they were heading in the wrong direction at the beginning.

Xia Zishang thoughtfully, snorted softly and said, "It's also possible, after all, we can't judge yet."

"However, regardless of whether these two cat demons are what the master and Mr. Sijin want to find, judging from their current actions, they must have already set their sights on the children in the capital." Huo Butler said When I got here, I couldn't help exhaling heavily, and then said earnestly, "Mother, these children are innocent. No matter whose family these children are, they are the darlings of that family. We have to do our best to avoid it." Similar tragedies happen again."

"You're right. Steward Huo, from what you mean, have you thought of any good ideas?" Xia Zishang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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