God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2923 That's a spell issued by the National Teacher's Office

Chapter 2923 That's a spell issued by the National Teacher's Office

Just as Xia Zishang expected, Housekeeper Huo nodded very gently after hearing this, "It is not easy to protect all the children in the capital at one go, our people can never be alone Only one child is guarded, so I think we should add more patrolling people, and then distribute spells and copper bells to every household, and put the spells on the children, so that ordinary ghosts and ghosts dare not approach, and the copper bells It can be given to adults and children, but whenever you encounter danger, you can shake the copper bell crazily to attract patrolling people, and in this way, the tragedy may be prevented."

Xia Zishang was very satisfied with Huo Steward's proposal, and agreed without saying a word, "Okay, then do as Huo Steward said."

"I still feel that this incident is inextricably linked to the fugitives. How about this, count me among the patrolling people, and if I come across any important information, I can notify you at any time." Si Jin didn't want to sit still and wait for death, so she said vowedly at the moment.

Seeing Sijin's insistence, Xia Zishang naturally had no reason to stop her, and immediately agreed, "Okay, then it's settled, I'll go back and work with the people in the National Teacher's Mansion to make the spell."

Seeing that Sijin agreed, Xia Zishang and Steward Huo left the Prime Minister's Mansion in a hurry, and returned to the National Teacher's Mansion to start preparations.

Of course, you can't tell the world about the monster's troubles. The National Teacher's Mansion uses a spell to strengthen your body. The reputation that it can only be used by children sees the spell spread. As for the copper bell, it is only used for self-defense. Take everything that adults and children can carry.

The things given by the National Teacher's Mansion are rare treasures for the common people. After hearing this, none of the common people did not obediently obey, and they were all grateful for wearing amulets for their children.

Time flies, and when night falls, almost every household has amulets and copper bells.

The people quickly fell into a deep sleep, while the guards of the National Teacher's Mansion continued to patrol in an orderly manner, everyone's face was serious, and there were guaranteed to be three to five people on each street. Always be prepared to prevent accidents from happening suddenly.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, in a thatched house at the foot of a mountain.

The humble room couldn’t hide its warmth. A family of three with an infant sleeping in the middle, and the Orion’s father sleeping outside, protecting his daughter and daughter-in-law. And the copper bell, saying that the spell can make the child strong."

"Is there such a remarkable thing?" Orion's daughter-in-law Tang frowned with a smile, "Husband, you will also go to the city tomorrow, find a way to get one back for Xiaolian, it is a spell issued by the National Teacher's Office, It must be unusual!"

"Okay, I'll go to the city early tomorrow morning, and then I'll buy some food you like." After Wang Orion finished speaking, he tucked his daughter-in-law and daughter under the quilt, "Okay, go to sleep."

Tang was very relieved, and was about to close her eyes when she suddenly heard a meow coming from outside their room door.

"Meow~" The terrifying meow sounded like a broken bellows. It was so eerie that the baby girl, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt evil, and burst into tears as soon as her mouth deflated.

(End of this chapter)

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