God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2924 A black cat actually walked out

Chapter 2924 A black cat actually walked out
"What's wrong? This child is sleeping just right, why did he start crying all of a sudden?" Puzzled, Tang picked up the sleeping baby girl, and quickly coaxed, "Oh, my dear Xiaolian, don't cry. Mother and father are here, don't be afraid."

The baby girl's face was flushed from crying, and her agitated mood finally eased after she was coaxed by Tang Shi. She whimpered and writhed back and forth in Tang Shi's arms, still looking very anxious.

"Meow, meow——!"

At this time, the cat's sharp and miserable cry sounded out of thin air, such a penetrating cry, the goosebumps on the backs of the listeners trembled. Xiao Lian, who had calmed down, suddenly burst into tears again.

The screams of wailing could almost shoot through the sky, Xiao Lian cried so hard that she almost died, her tears and snot flowed wildly as if she didn't want money, her crying face was flushed red, even faintly purple.

"Sanggong, what the hell is going on, Xiao Lian has never cried like this!" Tang's voice just fell, and the trembling meowing stopped abruptly.

Xiao Lian also stopped crying in an instant. She was only a few months old and could not speak. She just opened her pure and flawless eyes wide, raised her chubby little hand, and pointed to the place closest to them in fear. He was in the corner of the wall, and there was a choked cry from his mouth.

"Sanggong..." Tang hugged Xiaolian in fear, and hid behind Wang Orion.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Wang Orion said so, but his heart was still flustered, and he carefully lit the oil lamp by the bed.

The faint light of the fire only illuminated a small area at the head of the bed, and the corner of the wall pointed by Xiao Lian was completely swallowed up by the darkness. It was so dark that people couldn't see what was there.

"There's nothing..." Wang Orion picked up the sickle beside the bed for self-defense while speaking, and just after he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a pair of bright eyes emerging from the darkness.

"Ah!" Shouted in fright, Wang Orion saw a black cat walking out of the darkness.

The moment the cat appeared, Xiao Lian's small body couldn't help shaking, and even the hairs on Wang Orion's and Tang's backs trembled.

Tang Corporation had never been so frightened before, her voice was trembling uncontrollably, "Here, where did this black cat come from?"

Their doors and windows are all closed, logically speaking, this black cat has no chance to come in at all!

"Hee hee hee, of course it was brought by the old man..." The old and sinister laughter echoed strangely in this world accompanied by the sound of grinding teeth. The husband and wife were frightened and turned pale. The cat mother-in-law opened her bloody mouth, rubbed her sharp nails on the ground, and crawled out of the darkness.

"You, what kind of monster are you!" Wang Orion was so frightened that the arm holding the sickle was trembling, and the words fell, and the black cat here jumped up and approached him in an instant, sternly facing his A paw fell on the face.

"Ah!" The flesh was torn apart by the sharp cat's claws. Wang Orion covered his bloody eyes, looked at the black cat in disbelief, raised his hand, and slashed at it with a scythe.

Who knew that Wang Orion's scythe, which was supposed to kill the black cat, passed directly through the black cat's body.

Wang Orion's body trembled, seeing the black cat leap again and pounce on him.

(End of this chapter)

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