God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2930 We met 1 monsters last night

Chapter 2930 We met two monsters last night
Looking at this scene, everyone present couldn't help but wonder whether the talisman water that Xia Zishang rushed out was really useful.

Facts have proved that Xia Zishang's method is very useful. After the couple drank the talisman water, their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Only then did the husband and wife open their eyes in a daze, and the breath that had been stuffed in their throats was finally relieved.

"Us, what's wrong with us?" Wang Orion opened his eyes in confusion, looked around, and then saw the three Xia Zishang in front of him. He coughed twice in confusion and asked, "You, Who are you?"

"Who else could it be! Of course it's the benefactor who saved you and your husband!" The old village head finally felt relieved when he saw that the husband and wife had woken up. At this time, I couldn't help but nodded and said, "It's good if you wake up. Hurry up and thank the three adults. These three adults were sent by the National Teacher's Office to help you husband and wife. If there are no these three adults My lord, you and your husband are not lucky enough to wake up."

"Thank you, three adults." The husband and wife hurriedly propped up their weak bodies and saluted the three of them. Immediately, Tang burst into tears and looked at the three of them emotionally. His forehead was pressed against the ground and he couldn't lift it up. He just cried He said, "Please help the three adults!"

"Three adults, our poor daughter was suddenly taken away by a monster on the mountain last night, and I ask the three adults to help our husband and wife find our daughter. As long as, as long as we can find our daughter, our husband and wife, even There is no complaint or regret." The husband and wife wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes in pain, as if their hearts were about to break.

"You said the monster that captured you has gone up the mountain? What do you think the monster looks like?" Xia Zishang asked excitedly, unexpectedly, that the clue would come so soon.

The husband and wife choked up and sniffed, and soon fell into the memories of last night, "We met two monsters last night..."

Without interrupting the couple, everyone present fell into a deep silence, listening to the couple's recounting what happened last night.

Recounting what happened last night in detail, Wang Orion seemed to have lost all his strength at the end, and then sighed heavily, "It's all because I'm useless, I can't beat those two monsters."

"Old Tie Xia, there is a black cat and a white cat, which coincide with the furs of the cats we found earlier, so there must be some connection between them." The dead man said excitedly.

"However, what is the meaning of the white cat mother-in-law snatching the child from the black cat mother-in-law?" Si Jin frowned puzzled, with a puzzled expression on her face, "I thought the two cats were cooperating. relationship, but now it seems that things are not that simple."

"This can only be answered after catching one of the black cat and the white cat and interrogating them." Looking at the couple, Xia Zishang asked curiously, "Do you still remember your cat?" Who made all the wounds on the body?"

The wounds of the two were full of evil spirits, as long as Xia Zishang and the others could know who had hurt their husband and wife, they would be able to determine who caused the evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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