God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2931 The old monster with the black cat

Chapter 2931 The old monster with the black cat

"The wounds on our bodies were all caused by that old monster with the black cat." Tang shi couldn't help choking up even more when he said this, and continued crying, "I thought that the white cat mother-in-law was a good person. She rescued my daughter from that black cat woman, but she didn't help my child back to me, and took our daughter away before our husband and wife approached, woo woo woo , pity my daughter, she is still so young, she has to suffer so much..."

Tang's words burst into tears, and after the words fell, everyone present couldn't help being moved when they heard these words.

Poor parents all over the world, this child will always be their parents' precious lump, if someone's child is suddenly taken away, the adults in the family will be heartbroken, so the villagers present can especially understand the mood of the couple at this time.

"In this way, the white cat mother-in-law and the black cat mother-in-law are most likely to be opposites." Xia Zishang fell into deep thought as she spoke.

"Well, miss, how do you judge?" the old village chief asked in confusion.

Xia Zishang thought seriously, but didn't speak.

Here, Sijin replied indifferently, "The reason why the husband and wife went crazy just now is because the evil spirit of the old black cat woman remained in their wounds. You can also see from this that the old black cat woman How powerful is it? If the white cat hadn't confronted her and scared away the black cat old woman, do you think the couple would have survived to this day?"

Si Jin's words were very straightforward, not beating around the bush at all, and everyone present was in a cold sweat.

As the saying goes, these words are rough and not rough. Although Si Jin's words are ugly, but the truth is the same, and everyone is speechless.

"But that white cat still took away my husband and I's child!" Tang still couldn't accept the fact, and immediately cried even more sadly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up , pity my daughter..."

"Your daughter is probably fine, so you don't have to cry. But you just said that the white cat went up the mountain? What do you have on this rare mountain? For example, are there any caves where you can hide?" Where?" The dead head knew very well that only by catching the white cat mother-in-law quickly could they find the baby girl as soon as possible, so what they need to do now is to go to Hanshan Mountain!
"The white cat didn't take our daughter to the cave! I am most familiar with the terrain on Mount Han. The caves on the mountain are all on the east side of Han Mountain, but the white cat mother-in-law went to the south of Han Mountain. There is only one charity nunnery in that direction. Besides, there is nothing else!" Wang Orion squeezed out these words through his teeth.

After Wang Liehu said this, the villagers talked a lot, and the old village chief frowned and stood up first, "Xiao Wang, you can't talk nonsense, there are only Granny Li and those innocent and poor children in the charity nunnery. Why did the cat demon bring your child there?"

"You mean to say that you suspect Granny Li of Charity Nunnery?" Xia Zishang's gaze was as sharp as a blade, and fell on Wang Orion.

"It's impossible. We don't know who Granny Li is. She's an easygoing old man. She treats the children in the charity nunnery well. How could she do such a terrible thing?" , There is a village name standing on Granny Li's side to speak.

And this word stirred up waves, and the villagers present became restless.

(End of this chapter)

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