God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2965 9 Turned into a Demon Cultivator

Chapter 2965 Nine Turn Demon Cultivator

The little child was aggressive and full of murderous looks, and he didn't see the innocence that normal children should have at all. Xia Zishang's expression changed rapidly, and he dodged the dagger, watching the dagger pass by his waist , The silver needle in her hand stabbed at the children's acupuncture points.

The child's attacking movement suddenly stopped, and a large cloud of evil energy suddenly permeated the whole body, abruptly flicking Xia Zishang out, and the silver needle did not hurt the child at all.

This little child was more difficult to deal with than Xia Zishang imagined, forcing her to deal with this child, her toes kept tapping the ground, thinking of ways to deal with the child.

The situation of the others is similar to that of Xia Zishang, and they all have certain scruples in their hearts. No one dares to use too much power on the children, for fear of accidentally hurting them.

"Hehehehe, what are you afraid of? It's just a group of children, wouldn't it be all over if you just kill them?" Shen Wutong knew that everyone couldn't kill them, so he laughed gloatingly here.

"Shut up." Glancing at Shen Wutong coldly, Xia Zishang raised his hand and threw out the whip, and went straight to Shen Wutong through the air.

If Shen Wutong had seen the artifact coming straight to her face before, she would have been extremely flustered, but at this time she didn't, not only that, but also cast a presumptuous glance at Xia Zishang.

It was such a glance that made Xia Zishang extremely vigilant, and almost subconsciously retracted the long whip that had been poked out.

Facts have proved that Xia Zishang's judgment was not bad at all. Fortunately, she withdrew the spirit whip at the most critical moment, because almost at the moment she withdrew, one of the children rushed over desperately, using her body Blocked in front of Shen Wutong.

There was no expression on the child's pretty smiling face, except for the palpitating indifference in the eyes, which seemed to be frozen, making Xia Zishang break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, she stopped quickly, otherwise, there was so much evil in this child's body, and the spirit whip could beat this child in half!
"Despicable and shameless." Looking at Shen Wutong, Xia Zishang said in a cold tone.

Shen Wutong was not angry at all when he was scolded. Instead, he raised the corners of his lips triumphantly, and said with a presumptuous smile, "Hehehe, what is this? It's just pediatrics. If it's about being shameless, I have more fun of it!"

After hearing Shen Wutong's words, everyone's hearts tightened, and they subconsciously became vigilant.

As a Rank Nine Demon Cultivator, Shen Wutong has no conscience at all. Now that she can let the children serve as her human shields, she will do even more terrible things than now!

"Babies." Shen Wutong looked at the little girl who just rushed over to block her in front of her as a meat shield, suddenly showed an evil smile, and chuckled softly, "My little babies, come here and kill her .”

Everyone was stunned, no one thought that Shen Wutong would say such words, and there was no need for Shen Wutong to speak at the moment, so he rushed out from the spot in a flash.

But the other children obeyed the order, and the action of attacking everyone suddenly stopped, and at the same time turned around, and attacked the little girl who was standing there.

Although they held different weapons in their hands, the children's movements were crazy, like lunatics, with hideous expressions, stabbing at the little girl at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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