God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2966 1 clear wound

Chapter 2966 A very clear wound
"Don't stop!" Xia Zishang hurriedly pulled out one of the children while she was speaking, and raised her hand to pat the child's body with a burst of spiritual power.

This child is the young master of Duke Qing's mansion. At this moment, Xia Zishang slapped his chest on his chest. His painful body trembled and spurted out a mouthful of old blood. Then his body fell heavily to the ground and let out a heavy groan. Muffled.

The pain, the intense pain tormented the person almost going crazy. After the little boy fell to the ground, he was still struggling to get up, but his body was really out of order. After working hard for a long time, he could only writhe and struggle on the ground. No matter what you say, you can't stand up successfully.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang couldn't bear it.

Her attack was already extremely light, but it still hurt the young master.

The situation of the rest of the children is no better than that of the young master. They are all like wolves, and they are all extremely ferocious when they suddenly pounce on them.

I didn't want to pay attention to the young master, but Xia Zishang suddenly saw the injured young master fall heavily to the ground, and twitched violently.

As if enduring great pain, the young master howled and screamed, and his seven orifices began to bleed while foaming at the mouth.

This scene far exceeded Xia Zishang's expectations, and Xia Zishang was so frightened that he rushed towards the young master.

However, just as Young Master Xia stood still in front of the young master, the young master who was lying on the ground looking like he was dying suddenly jumped up from the ground like a spring.

"Roar!" Like a maddened beast, the young master rushed straight towards Xia Zishang with a sudden blow.

Unexpectedly, the young master would be like this, Xia Zishang retreated subconsciously, and then fell into a strong embrace, which caused her eyes to tremble slightly, and turned her head to see Xuanyuan Yelan as expected.

Protecting Xia Zishang with one hand, Xuanyuan Yelan's speed was fast enough, but the little boy followed closely, leaving a very clear line of sharp nails on Xuanyuan Yelan's hand. the wound.

A sharp stabbing pain swept across, and Xuanyuan Yelan pushed the little prince out of front with a fiery breath.

"Yunyan, how are you?" Xia Zishang took a quick step forward, looked carefully at Xuanyuan Yelan's wound, and found a streak of blood lying across his wound, Xia Zishang's heart throbbed when he saw it. It hurts so badly.

"I'm fine..." Xuanyuan Yelan frowned as Xia Zishang hurriedly treated her wound, "Shang'er, leave this to us, you go and deal with Shen Wutong."

It's not an option to continue like this, he doesn't know how to cast spells, so he can only cover Shang'er, so as to help Shang'er get rid of Shen Wutong!
Xia Zishang nodded without hesitation, and when she turned her head to look at Shen Wutong again, she had already put on an extremely angry expression, "You dare to hurt Yunyan, you are so brave!"

Shen Wutong was frightened by Xia Zishang's aura, and hurriedly backed away, screaming and shouting, "Do you think I will be afraid of you? I might as well tell you that my strength is already on the verge of becoming a demon." stage, depending on you, how could you be my opponent!"

Xia Zishang was too lazy to talk nonsense with Shen Wutong at all, the long whip in his hand quickly twisted like a vine, and then approached Shen Wutong with a whistling.

Shen Wutong was taken aback. When he was amazed at Xia Zishang's almost terrifying speed, he quickly raised his hand to build an evil barrier, trying to block Xia Zishang.

(End of this chapter)

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